Catch Me First (14)

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I laugh to myself as I watched her stomp her way to the mansion managing to look like an upset yet adorable little kid.

With one last glance and a smile from her father, Matthews, we follow after her.

Just as he opened the door, he shouted directions to Alex. "Alex! Can you please show him the guest room." She stopped in her steps with a groan and slowly turned around.

"Fine." She grumbled under her breath. She marched my way and did a little head nod that told me to follow her. As an obedient child, I followed.

"What kind of beds do you like?" She asked as if it were a normal everyday question. It probably was for her, but for others, it sounds like you're asking what kind of bed you like to do the deed.

She rolled her eyes knowing what I was thinking because I raised my eyebrow. She lets out a breath and says "My dad wants his guests to be comfortable so he has different guest rooms with different beds that suits their taste."

I nod my head finally understanding. "What kinds are there?"

She lets out another breath annoyed of my stupidity. "There's a water bed, a bed that sinks when you lay, a bouncy bed, a firm bed, a soft bed, a fluffy bed, etcetera." She waved her hand dismissively at the end.

"Uhm, I'll guess I'll take the fluffy bed." I said while scratching my head when thinking. She scrunched up her nose a disgust, but she brushed it off and walked me to the room.

It had a beige wall with white curtains around the balcony window showing a view of the pool, fountain, and garden. It had a white headboard with a thousands of unnecessary pillows, a white comforter, and white marble floor. Basically, everything was white.

"I'll think I'll take the firm bed." I said decisively while shaking my head at the room before me.

"Good choice." She replied while pushing me quickly out the door and took no time to close it. Wow, she must hate it as much as me.

She led me to another room that had grey walls. It wasn't a depressing kind of grey, it was light. The bed was king sized and white with a black headboard. It had white curtains also around a balcony window. Two large pillows were white in the back against the headboard and one tiny black pillow planted in front. The blanket was folded up and laid across the bed.

"I'll use this one." I said at her smiling face. She must be satisfied with the room, maybe it was her doing. My talking seemed to snap her out of her daze.

"Good because I will not show you another room. You're so indecisive." She said the last part under her breath but I could totally hear her.

"I heard that." I yelled after her as she walked out.

"It was meant for you so you should've heard it." She shot back with a wave but her back was facing me. Wow, I could totally feel the welcoming love. Note the sarcasm.

*Next Morning*

I slept like a baby last night. How could the bed be so...comfortable? I laid there staring at the ceiling thinking back to yesterday.

Nothing big happened, but I grinned at the feeling of being reunited with Alex. Being near her gave me a tingly and warm feeling grow from within.

Realizing it was Tuesday, a school day, I shot up to my feet. Not that I wanted to go, just that I wanted to see her early in the morning. I glanced at the clock. Or maybe not.

Damn! I was freaking two hours late, I missed Alex. Surprisingly, as I opened the door, the room across did too. Alex. My face probably bursted with gleam. I could tell by her raised eyebrow and the 'are you okay?' mental look. I shook my head and smiled at her.

She had a sinister smile on her face. Oh lord, what was she planning? She ran off to the bathroom, leaving me with a bewildered expression.

I went to the other bathrooms but it was locked. Even the bathroom in the guest rooms. The only one available was the one Alex was using. I sighed and strutted my way over to the door and banged on it twice.

"Alex, give me the goddamn key for the bathroom."

"I'm sorry I couldn't catch that. Can you repeat?"

"I know you heard me loud and clear."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I could just see her standing there with crossed arms and a frown on her face. Definitely a fake one.

"Don't lie to me. You know what I'm talking about." She snickered and went back to her stance with a sigh of defeat? What the hell? Now I'm really scared.

"Fine. Just give me one second then I'm out." I huffed mainly to hide my fear, but I mixed it with frustration to not show the hidden feelings.

"One." Was all I said and at the exact moment, she went out. She smelled like vanilla extract. You would guess it's the shampoo, but it's her natural smell. The glint in her eyes only spelled one word, evil.

I took a quick shower, but long enough to let me relax under the heat. I walked out and wrapped a towel around my waist.

I walked over to the mirror and wiped the fog off. The first thing that came into view was a hot pink on top of my head. My hair!

"Alex!" I threw the door open after I put on my clothes. I ran out and frantically searched for her. There she stood looking as perfect as ever. "Found you." I said as I took a threatening step towards her with a smirk on my face.

"Oh god Chris what happened to your hair? Hope that isn't permanent." She said with fake shock as she pointed at my hair. But, the mischievous look in her eyes and the tugging of her lips said otherwise.

"Haha. Very funny Alex. This" I circled my finger around my head which only caused her to stifle a laugh. "is your fault."

"Looks like somebody got off the wrong side of the bed. And, you have no proof." She crossed her arms defiantly.

"Oh really?" I approached her once more with another threatening step.

"Really." She stated confidently.

"That's funny because I found this hair dye bottle with the words 'property of Alex'."

"Oh good. You found it."

"I'm so gonna get you for this." I pointed at her as I spoke through gritted teeth.

She took a step forward and whispered seductively in my ears. "You're gonna have to catch me first."

A smirk with an excited look flashed through my eyes. "Gladly." And with that, we both took off.

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