The Meaning To My World (7)

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I walked out the cafeteria with tears at the brim of my eyes. My tears threatened to shed but there would be too many witnesses of me falling apart in the middle of school. I had tried my hardest to be brave next to Dylan and Kylie, but I couldn't. Seeing them together makes my blood boil, but it also hurts. The memory of walking in on them doing the dirty flashes to my mind whenever I see them.

I was too caught up in my feelings that I didn't notice walking down a narrow hallway. I pulled myself together and stared down the tiles. My breathing picked up its pace, my heart rapidly beating it could've bursted open and spilled blood, sweat formed on my palms and forehead, and I began to feel dizzy. My mouth was dry, and I tried to swallow my saliva, but it didn't help. I was trembling in fear and becoming numb, the environment around me was closing in.

My eyes widened in panic, I tried to take a step back, but the walls behind me were coming faster. My mind flashed to the erased memory of being locked in a closet. I grabbed my head in pain of my memory returning, and I could hear my pulse gradually heighten. I collapsed to the ground in fear, my hand clutched to my chest trying to calm its beating down. I tried to scurry my feet to move backwards, but I didn't move. It had felt like the wall was pressed against my back.

I was having a panic attack in the middle of school, luckily there were no people down this hall. I was about to go crazy under all the fear and faint from all the pressure and adrenaline coursing through my body. I suddenly felt arms wrapped around me and it clamed me down.

I didn't care who it was. I turned around and quickly wrapped my arms around the person and began sobbing on their shoulder. I was terrified of the sudden memory that I had erased. I now know the reason of being claustrophobic and why I hated my dad.

The person pulled me up to my feet and walked me outside. Whoever it was, I was thankful for him/her saving me. I looked up through my blurry vision and saw Christian whose faced was laced with concern. Out of my surprise, I hugged him again and wrapped my arms tighter.

Even without looking at him, I knew that he smiled with relief. He began patting my head and kissed it.

"Everything is going to be okay." He reassured me, even though he doesn't know my problem. I pulled back and was glad that it was him and not a random person. His smile spread across from ear to ear.

He pulled me with much force and wrapped his arms around my shoulder. My face burried deep into his hard chest. He finally lets go and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm glad that you're okay. For some reason, ever since the big incident happened, you couldn't leave my thoughts. I wondered constantly if I will ever meet you again and when that happened, I felt relief flood through me with crazed emotions, but I was also shocked. I also wondered what happened between you, Dylan, and Kylie, but I realized its none of my business. Right now, you're safety is my top priority, and I'm going to keep it this way." He dropped one of his hands to the side and the other wrapped around mine.

I dazed into his eyes. What he had just said was the sweetest thing anyone has ever told me. He was the first to actually care for me without having a relationship. To be honest, I don't even know what our relationship was, it definitely wasn't lovers, and its not friends.

I chuckled, it was my real emotions this time. It was filled with genuine happiness and relief. He seemed to know that it was real because he also smiled. His smile means the world to me right now.

"Thank you, for comforting me and saving me from my panic attack. I'm happy that it was you and not some random person." I smiled but in an instant it turned into a frown. I could see the wheels playing in his little head. I knew what the next question was, and I regret staying with him out here.

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