My Happiness (23)

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On the ride back home, Chris bombarded me with questions.

"When you were throwing up, what did you think?" He asks as he bounces his left leg and taps the steering wheel.

"I passed it off as food poison or the stomach flu. I didn't want to worry you because it could've been a false alarm like last time." I shrugged it off when on the inside I'm dying with worry and nervousness. What will my dad think? Am I going to be a disappointment in his eyes?

"What about the kicking?" I sigh and rub my temples. All these questions are just so irritating. But, since he's the dad I'll withstand it and answer the goddamned questions.

"I thought my stomach was just hurting. So, I wince and that's it. After time I got used to it." He stares at me with a 'are you stupid' kind of look.

I roll my eyes at him. "Eyes on the road." I say tiredly. All this drama my life has is such a tiring thing.

"What about your Aunt Flow and Uncle Tom (time of month)?"

"It's normal to miss at least a month."

"But...its been at least three." He drags the sentence.

"I know. But the drama took a hold on me that I forgot to count. And, I was too happy to remember to." He smiled but was still nervous.

"What about your growing stomach?"

"I thought I was getting fat. Don't judge me." I demand as I slouch down in my seat while pouting. He stares at me for a long second without blinking. Just staring.

"For being the highest ranking in our grade, you're not very bright." He focuses his attention back onto the road.

"Leave me alone. I was only finding excuses to make me satisfied that I wasn't pregnant, but I knew deep down that I was. Its my mind defense." I rushed the pout never leaving my face.

"What about-" I cut him off tired of the same annoying questions.

"Christian Jai Aaron the Fourth." He gulped with the use of his full name while I spoke in a calm yet dangerous voice. "This is not freaking twenty questions!" I yell out.

"Sorry." He mutters as he stares straight forward keeping his eyes on the road. All his nervousness drained but replaced with fear. Damn, am I that scary when I'm moody?

"No. I'm sorry baby for snapping at you. It's just I'm moody and you're giving me a headache with all the questions." I sheepishly apologize.

"It's okay. I know." He smiles and reaches for my hand kissing my knuckles. Unfortunately, he lets go and keeps both hands on the wheel.

We drive the rest of the way in complete silence. I think about the future of Chris, my baby, and I.

Faye and Layla are definitely going to be his/her aunts. I smile at the thought of a big happy family.

"What are you thinking about?" Chris asks me. I gently rub my tiny baby bump.

"The future." We arrive at the gates and suddenly, my palms become sweaty and my face paled.

He realizes my fear and gives me a reassuring smile. He hops out the car and runs to the passenger's side opening the door for me.

He grabs my hand and let's me take my time getting out which is forever. I was extremely scared. I wanted my child to at least have a grandfather besides Chris' father.

Chris links our arms and walks me to the door. Every second, my palms grew more sweaty. He twists the doorknob painfully slow.

My father was no where to be found. That was until I heard noises coming from the tv in the living room. I walk over and find my dad lying down on the couch with his arm covered over his eyes.

The Hookup With Mr. BadboyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon