The Long Journey (28)

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It's been two weeks since graduation, so now its nearing July. My baby is expected in a few days. I have no clue what we're going to name him/her. So that's exactly what we're doing right now.

"What about Lea?" Chris asks staring deep into my eyes. I scrunch up my nose and shake my head.

"It's too short and boring." He sighs and runs his palms down his face.

"Sapphire?" I shake my head again and let out a frustrated breath through my mouth.


Another head shake from me.


Yet again.


Nope. Not it.


Yeah... nice try.


Sounds like a mermaid's name. I just realized something.

"Our baby is not a gemstone Chris!" I yelled while chuckling. He shrugs and continues on.

"What about Amethyst?" I sigh and rub my temples. We're not getting too far with names as you can see.

"How about we just pull our names together?" Chris suggested, and it wasn't a bad idea. I nod my head and we sat in silence brainstorming a combination. He opened up his mouth to speak but I interrupted him.

"Christina." I breathe. His eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"It's not a combo of our names." He asks dragging out the words as if I were a child. I rolled my eyes at him.

"It's not. I already know that. But, remember when I used to joke around with you saying Christina has poked her head out." He nods in response and I continue. "Well, I was thinking. Since there's that male to female heredity thingy, I'm sure she's going to be the female version of you so I thought I'd name her Chr-"

"Christina." He beamed cutting me off. I glowered at him and just sighed while nodding my head. "She'll be part of our memories of our high school and immature days." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"What if we have a baby boy?" I ask contemplating that we haven't even thought of one boy name yet.

"Alex or Alexander. As simple as that." He shrugs and I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because it's the male version of your name just like Christina is the female version of mine. It's adorable." He gushes and I pinch his cheeks adoringly.

"Come on, it's almost time for my ultrasound." He nods and grabs my hand in his leading me out the door and down the stairs.

*After a long boring car ride*

We walked in with my legs trembling and body shaking. I took a couple of ultrasounds before, but I never got used to it. The more I went, the more nervous and eager I felt.

We waited until our, well my name to be precise, was called. And when it was, we followed the nurse into a checkup room. I examine my surroundings not liking the chemical smell. My doctor, Dr. Gavins, don't worry it's a she, walks in and shines her pearly whites.

"Hey Alex how's it been. Haven't seen you since last week." I chuckle nervously and nod.

"I'm fine how's your day been?" She smiles brightly probably thinking about her awesome day.

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