Reunion of the Three Musketeers (19)

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Hi you guys!! See...I promised I would update on Monday. Teehee, I never told you which Monday it was but oh well. Jk! I'm sorry for not updating sooner, I came home late on Monday from my trip and I didn't want to disturb you guys with notifications. Anyways, I now owe you guys five chapters. So, here's one out of five...Enjoy!



When I finished my shower, the first thing I found was Chris knocked out on my bed. I didn't mind considering all the times I fell asleep on his bed from exhaustion (if you know what I mean *wink wink*).

I quietly walked over to his side to kiss his forehead, but all of a sudden I felt two strong arms around my waist. I frowned knowing that he tricked me, but the smile found its place on my face.

He forcefully pulled me down onto the bed causing a high pitched squeak to escape my lips. I was hovering over him, but in a split second, he flipped us over making him on top of me.

I squeak and giggled at the same time. His miraculous smile showed his pearly whites. My body warmed at his touch and his smile. He brought his palm up to my cheek and caressed it. I involuntarily closed my eyes and leaned into his touch.

He chuckled and bended his head down to my neck. His minty breath fanned my face and neck as he planted wet hot kisses down to my collar bone. He nipped at my skin causing me to moan. He pulled back and smirk in victory.

Damn it! He was playing me. Ugh!!

I scowl at his triumphant expression. His smirk only grew wider. Ugh! He's so annoying. I pushed on his chest successfully pushing him back. My body began to yearn for his touch missing the warmth, but I ignored it.

I laid on my side and pulled the covers over me. He laid down next to me holding my waist. I heard his breathing extremely close to my ear.

"Tease." I muttered in annoyance while he chuckled huskily. It was getting way too hot for my comfort zone.

"Yeah well, paybacks a bitch." He jockingly said while I groaned then smirked at my comeback.

"Yeah well, so are you." I mimicked his tone but with a little more seriousness than his.

"Babe you're not actually mad are you?" I scoffed at his rhetorical question. Is he fucking with me right now? He couldn't be serious. After a couple minutes of silence, he spoke probably knowing my answer. "Look, I'm sorry I didn't think you'd actually get mad. It was all fun and games."

I sighed. Why was I taking everything so seriously? It's so...not me. I snuggled deeply into his chest while his arms wrapped around my waist tightened. We always seem to know when we're mad at each other or when we make up.

His breathing slowed and became even. I knew he was asleep by then. My eyes began to droop and that's when darkness took over and gave me the best sleep in months.


I got woken up by the sun seeping through my white thin curtains making me close my eyes tighter. When it wasn't working, I placed my arms over my eyes. I couldn't go back to sleep.

It was too late. I lost my sleep thanks to the sun. I groaned and groggily got up rubbing my eyes then stretching out my arms.

I heard a small chuckle and snap my head towards my left only to find Chris sitting up not phased by the bright light. Stupid morning people. I laid my head back down quickly causing an oomph to escape my lips.

"You're way too cute in the morning." He says softly yet huskily causing a deep crimson to run up my neck and land on my cheeks.

I snuggle deeper into the covers missing the warmth and comfort. He chuckled again then laughed mischieviously. Oh no he don't!

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