Stay With Me As Long As Forever Takes (21)

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Alex stiffened right next to me when a guy was approaching. She hid behind my back but tried to play it off by hugging me.

What the hell is going on?

I decide to go along with it so I kissed her cheek. She relaxed slightly under my touch, but her discomfort was still there.

I wrapped an arm around her waist possessively. The guy sends a glare my way but masks it after a few seconds.

You know, that's not weird. Not weird at all. *Cough cough* Dead sarcasm.

"Alex?" He questions her while I stand there bewildered. They're...acquaintances? I shook my head and focused on the situation at hand.

"Evan." She said in a deadly voice that even I flinched at her tone. Okay, well someone has held a grudge. But, why?

"I haven't seen you since four years ago. How've you been doing?" He ask trying to make small talk.

"Fine." She spoke in a quick sharp breath. I know what I'm going to ask her when we go home. "Now that you're out of my life, I'm fine. But it seems you've found your way back to fucking my life over again."

His eyes glaze over in anger. I took this as my cue to speak.

"Hey babe." She looked up at me smiling. It was a genuine smile that held all her feelings towards me. I couldn't help but smile back. "It's time we get back home. If you want we could watch a movie and then cuddle. Your decision."

Evan's head snapped in my direction. "Alex you live with him?" He sneered in disgust. Is he fucking serious? I'm right in front of him!

"Yeah not that it matters to you." Alex shot out with piercing anger. "Bye." She walked away, well more like skate away, from him dragging me along and took off her skates once she sat down.

I stared at her while I undo my laces. Who the hell was that and why is she so angry?

Worry and concern took over me. She ignored my gazes and walked off with her skates in hand.

I stood up and followed her out. Well, this date was ruined. I'm not too eager about that.

We drove back in an uncomfortable silence. It was killing me on the inside, but on the outside, I was calm and collected.

I was so worried about her because she hasn't spoken a word. And, if I knew Alex well, she never shuts the hell up unless something is bothering her.

Please. Be okay. I love you.



How dare he act like there was nothing wrong?!! Like everything went back to normal. Well, if he's trying to make it up to me, he's not doing a very good job.

I flipped him off and walked away leaving him stunned. Ha! Karma's a bitch...and so are you.

Chris looks confused, concerned, and worried for me. I couldn't help but feel the edges of my lips tilt up into a smile.

But, the sudden event cause it to flip down into a frown. Fucking asshole ruined my first date with Chris.

We stopped in front of my house and before I could open the door, he put his index finger between my brows.

I was confused as to why he did it until he explained.

"Keep frowning then you're going to have permanent wrinkles. Either way you're still beautiful, but try to keep your youth while it lasts." He smiles brightly at my pink-tinged cheeks.

I nod and pushes himself back into his seat. We both step out the car and in through the doors.

I place my skates in my walk in closet. While I'm walking out the closet, I knocked down a box.

Pictures come flying out causing tears to form. It was a picture of Evan and I as he had his arm around my shoulders.

We were both laughing as we stood in a grassy field leaning against my blue car (A car that Evan handed down to me. Back then, it was his) that I had sold after leaving Chris.

That's when everything came out. My sorrow, my longing, my anger, and my sadness all in the form of tears.

I sobbed into my knees as I hugged the picture to my chest. Chris walks in only to find me sitting on the ground crying my eyes out.

He rushes over to my side and hugs me. I wrap my arms around his neck with the picture still in my hand and cry into his shoulder.

He shushed my cries and whispered comforting things. After a long five minutes of crying, it came to a sniffle. I had fortunately calmed.

"Hey. You okay baby?" He asks as he stares at my red puffy eyes. I nod not trusting my words. Another wave of waterworks hits the back of my eye, but I held it in.

He picks me off up the ground causing the picture to fall out of my hand. He smiled apologetically and then crouched down to get it.

He stared at the photo for a few and froze on the spot. After pulling himself out of his thoughts, he slowly gets up.

"Alex." Oh shit. I know what he is going to ask me. He hasn't called me Alex in a long time. It was either babe, baby, or Alexandra. "Who is he? And why were you so angry at him?"

"No one Chris. Just forget about it." I waved it off, but he kept pushing on.

"He isn't just no one Alex. I could tell that there was something going on. There was tension between you two. I need to know. No, I have to know." He said with a pleading look in his eyes.

I sighed defeated then walked over to my bed and plopped down onto it. I pay the spot next to me telling him to sit.

He sits down and waits to hear my explanation. I cuddle up into his arms as I lay my head against his chest.

"Evanismybrotherthatleftafewyearsagoalsoexperiencingtheabuseandleftmetheretodealwithitalone." I said in a quick and short breath. His eyebrows scrunch together as he tries to figure out what I said. He sighs and then look down staring into my green orbs.

"Speak slower so I can understand you babe." I sigh and sit up straighter.

"Evan is my brother that left a few years ago also experiencing the abuse and left me there to deal with it alone. He promised that he would protect me from my father since I was his baby sister. He was eighteen and I was thirteen. One day he left the house so he would stop witnessing the abuse. He walked away from me like the rest of the people I loved. My dad would blame me for my mother's death." I chuckled sadly at the end part knowing the irony that she isn't.

"Wow." He breathed out slowly. Not in the way that you're astonished by beauty but in a way that you're processing information.

He grabs my hand in his and rubs his thumb over my knuckles.

"I just want you to know that the person walking away will never be me. I promise. It never was and never will be. I'll stick by your side as long as you want."

He brings his hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles. It was true, he was the only person that didn't walk away from me or did anything highly unacceptable for me to forgive.

Yes, he's hurt me before. But he'll never screw my heart over or leave me behind.

The one thing I am certain of out of my messed up life is that he'll stay by my side as long as forever takes.

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