Hormones Drive Me Crazy (25)

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A/N: I read over my story and realized I made a mistake. So, I know I said she didn't have a brother at first, but now I changed it. Evan is her adopted brother, but was ignored by their father his whole entire life since their dad wanted a blood related child to take over his business, which led to Alex's abuse.



Layla came barging through my house door. It was only five minutes since I got home. Damn, this woman works fast.

"What are you doing here?" I ask getting creeped out by her Cheshire grin. Oh it's coming, I knew it.

"I'm taking you out for, wait for it, Shopping!" She squealed in excitement while I groaned. I muttered a 'no thanks' making her smile drop. "Why not?" She whined like a three year old was denied candy.

"Because you shop way too long, and I'm carrying extra weight. That's not very healthy to walk for a long period of time while pregnant." She grunts in response and crosses her arms defiantly not forgetting the huff of air.

"Okay. I won't take as long this time. All we have to do is buy baby clothes. That's it, I promise." She holds her hand to her heart pledging to keep her promise.

"Fine. But if it is longer than I can handle, I'm dragging you out of there whether you like it or not. And, I don't care if it embarrasses you." She nods and mumbles something under her breath that I couldn't catch. But, I know it's insulting.

"Faye said she'll meet us here at your house when the time for the baby shower comes." I nod and get up from the couch slowly exiting the door.

I steadily climb into her Range Rover carefully to not upset my baby. Apparently, it's very picky about what I do. Even the foods I eat it would kick me if she/he didn't like it. I still don't know the gender because I want it to be a surprise.

The drive to the mall was unexpectedly slow because of traffic. The honking of the horns was irritating me to death that I just wanted to rip my hair out. A being began to thrust in and out of my forehead. My eyebrows twitch with the nerve to just hop out and punch the people's faces to stop them from honking.

I decided to just close my eyes and take a little nap. I woke up to someone nudging my shoulder which is most likely to be Layla. I look to my left finding her with a small smile. I rub the sleep from my eyes and return her smile.

"I guess being pregnant has taken a toll on you huh?" She questions even though it is rhetorical.

"You have no idea." I chuckle and look around my surroundings. We were at my mansion. I guess time really does fly when you're having fun which is sleeping for me.

"Why are we at my mansion? Weren't we going to the mall?" I ask with a bizarre expression.

"I did the shopping already. I didn't want to wake you up because I heard that women who are pregnant are really grouchy if you wake them up during their nap and I also heard that it's really healthy for the baby." She replies with an indescribable look on her face. Something like admiration.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask genuinely curious.

"Just that I admire you. Most teens would freak out or cry and call themselves sluts. But, you are calm and loving. I want to be you one day. Not a pregnant teen but you catch my drift." She chuckles sadly.

"Why are you sad?" She looked like she froze as if she was caught with a big secret.

"Please don't judge me." She begins to sob catching my full attention.

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