My Whole Life Was A Lie (17)

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Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I forgot it was Friday Teehee. Anyways, I got 1k reads!!! Thanks for reading!! Honestly, I freaked out and squealed out in joy. Enjoy the chapter.



I couldn't believe I slept with him...again. His face had a pained look, I couldn't stand being the cause of it. But, memories of yesterday flooded my mind which pulled me back from chasing him and explain it in a better way.

I let out a grunt of frustration and grabbed a pillow letting my face fall down on it.

The door creaked open causing me to slowly raise my head. There, I stared into his remarkable blue-grey eyes.

He walked in and stood next to the bed. The atmosphere was coated with tension and awkwardness.

"About yesterday...Do...Do you regret it?" His face looked calm, but by the way he kept pausing and the scared look in his eyes told otherwise.

I crissed-crossed applesauce (yes, I still call it by the kindergarten term because it has a better ring to it than 'I crossed my legs one over the other'. Deal with it) and hugged my pillow to my chest.

"No. I don't. It...It felt right. Our bodies, soul, and heart became one. But, I'm scared. You broke my trust. Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to rebuild." Wow, how poetic and inspiring I am.

"I know, and I'm sorry." He sat down on the bed, our thighs brushed against each other. A tingling sensation erupted at the contact and warmth spread throughout my body.

He took my hand into his. My palm fit perfectly into his like they were made for each other. He lifted the back of my hand to his lips and kissed it.

When he pulled back, he rubbed his other hand over it.

"Please just give me another chance." He had a pleading tone and so did his eyes. I broke at the sight of him.

I let out a sad, pitiful chuckle. But, it wasn't for him but for myself. "I'm such a hypocrite." He looked stunned at my words.

"I keep on saying everyday that you hurt me and broke my trust. But, I'm killing you every single day with my words and actions." I continued on with tears slipping out my eyes. I ignored the wet hot feeling sliding down my face and let one by one slip down each cheek.

He caressed my cheek and I leaned into it as he kissed away my tears. He pulled back and stared at my red puffy eyes.

"It's okay. You may be a hypocrite, but I love this hypocrite." I cried even more at his loving words. He pulled me into a hug and I cried into his shoulder.

Every now and then, I took in his scent that I missed and loved. God, how could I not noticed how much I miss and love him.

As soon as my tears dried out and my breathing calmed down to a steady pace, I pulled back and stared into his eyes.

I now know what I want. What my heart wants. And, what my mind decided on.

"Okay," I said in a breathy voice and nodded my head. "I'll give you a second chance." His grin spread from ear to ear as his eyes were sparkling with excitement.

He pulled me back into a quick hug. "I love you so much Alex. You won't regret it. I promise." He said it all in one breath as I snuggled deeply into his chest. He kissed the top of my head as pulled away.

I didn't know if I should've told him what I was about to say. But, if he loves me and I love him, then he has the right to call me this. "Call me Alexandra."

Once again, he looked stunned. "What? Are you sure?" I nodded as my simple response and he smiled. During the time we went out, I told him the reason why I didn't want people to call me Alexandra.

"Okay. I love you Alexandra, and as much as I would love to stay here and snuggle together, we have to go to school." He said with an annoyed tone causing me to chuckle.

We stood up from the bed, his hands never leaving my waist. I sighed at the touch and the settlement of my heart.

"I still have to change, I'm wearing sweatpants and a tank top." I said gesturing towards my outfit.

"I don't mind staying." He said. I blankly looked at him but then an idea popped up.

"Are you sure? Because if you do stay would u be able to control yourself from taking me right then and there for the third time?" I asked seductively hoping he would go the route I planned. He gulped and looked into my eyes.

"You know what? I think I'll just stand outside the door." He responded and ran out. A loud genuine laugh erupted from me and I began to change. I wore a crop top with a baseball jersey and nikes on. I waltz out my room to be met with a disapproving expression of one Chris. He then wraps his arm around me but I feel as if he had other intentions but I didn't mind since I was in his arms. When I feel movement of my shirt is when I snap back to reality.

"Chris what are you doing?" I question him without looking down at my shirt to find the answer.

"Buttoning up your jersey duh. I don't know who you think you are exposing your body to anyone else besides me." I scoff at him and rolled my eyes. So possessive.

"You are stupid. It's just clothes." I laughed and he responds with a kiss on my neck.

"And?" He mumbles in my neck while still laying kisses down my shoulder.

"Never mind boy. Let's just go to school." I change the topic and head towards the basement to the cars. He hops in and drives our way to hell. I honestly hate school but it's the only reason I'm not dumb as a dodo bird. We walk hand in hand to school and the principal watches our every move.

"Gosh stare much." I mumble and Chris bursts out laughing.

"Oh how I love your condescending attitude." He compliments and I blush. I hate blushing ugh. Ewwww... is it off me yet. I wiggle my nose in disgust. "Why did u do that? Not saying it's not cute." He says chuckling when he asked the question. He gets sweeter and sweeter each day. Gosh I love him but I'm not telling him just yet.

"I hate blushing." I roll my eyes and he just stares at me in adoration.

"Really... I don't think I saw you blushing." He's obviously trying to make me feel better.

"Oh hush you liar." I roll my eyes yet once again. He laughs in response to it. He sighs and tells me he loves me yet again. I bet he's going to say it to me everyday to make up for the hurt. We then kiss each other in the hallway.

"Aye no PDA at school please." The principal yells. Damn he was still looking ever since.

"Shut up old man. My father gives the school donations so I think it would be best to listen to me." My father does actually give donations and I really hate calling the principal an old man but sadly it's true and mean but whatever. He then goes back into his office of course. And just on cue the bell rings.

"Time to get to class sweet cheeks." Chris says and pecks me on the cheek and I giggle. "Bye love you." I smile in return. Right when I'm about to walk towards my class a lady who looks oddly familiar taps my shoulder.

"Excuse me do you know where I can find Alexandra Martin?" She asks wearily.

"Yes I can but tell me what is your business with her if you don't mind. I'm very protective of her." I say a white lie which is telling her that Alexandra Martin and I are two different people obviously that's the lie but everything else is true.

"Oh I'm her mother." That's when all of my blood drains from my entire being. I thought she was dead, that she had committed suicide. My life is a lie.

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