The Universe Has It Out For Me (13)

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Hearing him call me his past, present, and future made me soften up. I shouldn't be angry with him anymore, what he did was very small and it was a month ago. I don't know if it was a grudge or my stubborness. I hope for the latter.

I don't know why, but ever since he came into my reach of eyesight, I couldn't help but want to run into his arms and forgive him. Whenever he whispered his love to me, it only made it harder to resist him. I don't know why I was being so stubborn with him. He was enough to fill my heart's content, but my mind seems to drive me the other way.

We parted ways after playing our game of chase. I began to tear up at the thought that it was our game, the one only both of us used to played, filled with giggles and love. My heart clenched at the thought of not being in his arms. But, my mind wanted to hold onto its will of getting back at him. I was being torn to pieces from the war going on between my mind and heart.

I walked into the classroom and caught all eyes on me. Whoopdeedoo. I silently marched my way towards the back of the room leaving a feeling of rebel behind each step. The first thing that came into view was a girl sitting in my seat.

I silently stood next to her then tapped onto the desk. She slowly looked up with teary eyes. Why would she be crying in class? Girls like her always cry in the bathroom. Cliche? Yeah, I know. I couldn't be mad at her because she was sad. Damn my foresaken weakness!

"You're in my seat." I spoke softly only for her ears so that no one would turn their attention towards us.

"Oh." She replied softly, her voice cracking at the simple reply. I smiled sheepishly at her as she got up slowly.

"You know what?" She snapped her head to my direction as she wiped stray tears. "Stay for today, I don't want to bother you while you're upset." She smiled gratefully at me and sat back down. Everyone's attention seemed to snap to the back when they heard my words of kindness. They seem to only hear the things they want, goddamn nosy teens.

A vein popped in my forehead as I closed my eyes in frustration. "Turn your heads back to the front you goddamn cunts or I'll wring your neck to the direction until you can't even move your head." Everyone's head snapped quickly when I yelled those words. Oh, I loved bringing havak into the room.

I turned my glanced back to the girl as she gaped at me. I rolled my eyes at her reaction, she must be new seeing as to how she doesn't know who I am. I smirk and pulled my hand out. "Alex." She hesitantly reached for my hand and shook it, the gesture only made my smirk turn into a grin. "Don't worry, I don't bite... Unless you get on my bad side." I said the last part with a mischeivious grin. She gulped nervously and I laughed loudly causing it to echo off the walls. That was twice this day.

"I'm kidding." I reassured her and she let out a breath of relief, I toned down my laughter to a chuckle.

"Emma." She stated her name with nervousness.

"Cool, so do you want to talk about why you're crying or not? I'm totally fine if you don't." I asked with full concern, but I hid it not wanting to reveal that I had a weakness.

"Uhm. Not really." She replied as she scratched her head. I shrugged and sat down in the closest seat with my feet crossed on top of the desk. My combat boots, leather jacket, ripped jeans, and rolling stone muscle tee only added to my intimidating figure.

"Well if you ever want to talk, you'll know where to find me." I stated as I wink and made a click noise from my mouth. I was about to doze off, but the classroom door opened and closed, more like slammed. It interrupted any chances of me having a good school nap.

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