I'm Yours (15)

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A/N: Sorry for not updating on Friday like I promised to do. I had writer's block. Thankfully, this chapter is at least a little bit satisfying. Enjoy


I was frantically running from Chris. I missed this feeling of playfulness and joy, the feeling we shared together. I didn't notice that I slowed down my pace because of my thoughts until Chris had his arms wrapped around me.

Because of the abrupt stop, he lost his balance causing us both to fall. As my back hit the floor, his body was hovering over me. My heart began to rapidly beat, and not because of the running. I hate that he has this effect on me.

"Are you okay?" He asked his eyes full of concern and worry.

"I'm fine." He nodded, but still didn't get off of me. He licked his bottom lip then he pulled it in between his teeth. His irresistable lips were calling mine, biting his lip only made it harder to resist.

I pushed his chest gently trying to signal to him that he was still over me. When my hand came into contact with his chest, electric shocks coursed through my arm. I had the sudden urge of running my hands on his bare chest, feeling my way down his solid abs.

He gulped with the urge to kiss me. But, he pulled back. If he hadn't, I don't know what we would've done, but I knew it was something I'll surely regret.

We both sat up, but somehow, I ended up on his lap straddling him. Out of instanct, I wrapped my arms around his neck. His eyes widened in shock at my sudden action, so did mine. I quickly pulled back as my cheeks tinged a light pink.

Damn! I was blushing, I hate blushing. I quickly stood up and he followed. I cleared my throat trying to fix the awkward atmosphere, but it doesn't work. Like always when there is tension and I try to clear it, I fail. Bang, pow, boom down in the gutter.

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and after finally finding my voice I said "Come on, we got to go to school."

He groaned in annoyance. "Really? There's only two hours left. And plus, my hair looks like it came out of a Barbie set. Pink!" He crossed his arms and huffed in frustration. He also added a little lip pout.

"How do you know what a Barbie set looks like?" I asked trying to hold my laughter. He froze on the spot, it only caused me to burst into more laughter.

His eyebrows knitted together as he frowned. "It's not funny." He whined like a ten year old.

"Oh, it really is." I wiped a fake tear and patted his back. "Come on, there's still two hours left. Enough for your ass to get educated." I walked off leading him towards the garage where all my babies are held.

He frowned while he stared at my cars. Is he trying to say I have terrible taste? If so, I would be very offended and I would do anything for my babies. They were my life.

"Where are your muscle cars?" He said with a little confusion and sadness.

"Oh. I sold those and bought new ones. Which one you want to ride?" I waved it off with a dismissive hand only causing him to frown more.

"I'll ride the Yamaha R1." I stiffined when he said he wanted to ride my number one baby. My lambos are my number two and three. But, no one can touch my yamaha.

"Uh-uh. Choose a different one Mike is my baby."

"Ugh, fine!" He huffed out. "I guess I'll ride MV Agusta F4RR." I nodded and we seperated towards the direction of the motorcycles.

He started the engine at the same time I did. "Hey!" I yelled over the roaring of the engines and thankfully he looked my way. "Wanna race?" A smirk formed on my lips. I loved racing to school because I lived a long way from it. It starts my day off with something exciting.

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