The Past Will Always Come Back To Haunt You (5)

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I was fuming. Tears of anger and sadness were swelling up. I decided to excuse myself, but I didn't remember what I had said, I just let my actions take control. Anger began to take over me like how Peeta got hijacked. All I knew was that he approved.

I walked out making sure to slam the door to send the message of "do not follow me" to him. But he did it anyways. He ran out and gripped my wrist.

"Face me. Please." his voice full of sorrow and sadness that I just had to turn and look at his beautiful face again. I was always a sucker for people filled with sorrow and sadness because I knew how it felt, I didn't want to be a hypocrite. But I didn't make eye contact. It was too saddening. He tilted my chin up forcing me to look at him.

His deep blue eyes came to vision. Oh how I missed those, but reality snapped back and I pulled my wrist away with all my might. His grip was so strong it had felt like I had gotten an indian burn. His expression seemed to sadden even more.

"Look, baby, I'm sorry. I never meant for it to happen, I was caught up in the moment and I was hurt after our argument. I've apologized a thousand times but you still won't forgive me. Why?" He asked while taking a step forward and reaching out his hand to stroke my hair, but I stepped back making sure to keep the distance. He pulled his hand back down to his side at my sudden response.

"I know that you're sorry. But the fact that I won't forgive you is different." He opened up his mouth to reply but I interrupted before he could continue. "You were the only person, one and only person I had trusted. I poured my feelings out to you, loved you, told secrets that I've never told anyone before, relaxed myself in front of you, and even let myself be me around you. But you broke that trust with that one mistake. You shattered me worse than when you found me, I was broken before and you worsened it. Forgiving you means that I passed the issue of having trust broken. It'll make me trust other people, and I'll probably be broken more than twice. Please don't call me baby, the memories are saddening."

His expression seemed to have worsened from sadness to guilt. He turned around because tears were becoming visible, and so were mine. We walked away from each other, just like four months ago. Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably. Then, a girl purposely bumped into me.

She had dyed brunette hair with faded blonde tips. Her cheekbones were well defined, she had a beauty mark above her lip, and hazel green eyes. She was gorgeous.

If it wasn't for the fact that she purposely bumped into me, I would have given her that compliment. But I could already tell that she was one of those stuck up, snobby girls.

"Watch where you're going bitch!" It was obvious that it was her fault, but she was one of those girls. By the looks of it, she would be the Queen Bitch. She had lackeys on either side of her and she seemed to make rude comments about other people. My tears stopped and turned into anger.

I tried to pass her, but she blocked my way. I rolled my eyes, scoffed in frustration, and crossed my arms. She was about to get ready for a beat down.

"You're supposed to say sorry when you bump into someone." She was trying to imply something by talking to me like I was in kindergarten, but it backfired.

"Okay." I took in a breath, and a victorious smirk appeared on her face. I was mischieviously laughing on the inside. "I'm waiting." my signature smirk appeared as a scowl formed her face.

"What did you just say? I apologize to no one!" I snickered at her claim.

"I said," I cleared my throat to add effect. "I'm waiting. Oh and news flash, I also don't apologize to no one. There is no need to apologize when I'm not the cause."

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