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Chapter 14

Kitty Kat’s POV

“Because I’m a victim of it.”

I stare at him with frying pans for eyes.

“You are in love?”



“You…” he pauses and looks at me like he honestly means it. “JK, it’s…it’s not you, but…”

“Oh my God Niall James Horan you scared me!”

“Hey, only my mum…and dad…can call me that.”

“Suck it up buttercup. Now, whooooooooo?”

“Mrs. Owl, it…it…it’s Brooke.”

Wok pans.



“Oh my gosh. She’s loved you since 6th grade, but then she dates someone I used to like, but then-“ I say everything super quiet and mumbled so Niall can’t hear.

“Yes, I like her. Do you know if she likes me?”

I burst out laughing so hard I fall in my pool. I squeal once I hit the water.

“Rhi?” Niall asks in a concerned tone.

“I’m sorry I laughed at you, but one minute. Karma, you suck. OK, now likes you is an understatement. But careful, she is a pervert.”

“What in the world is going on out here?!” Louis comes out and says.

“IfellinthepoolandI’mtoolazytocomeouteventhoughI’mfreezing.” I say as I shiver.

Louis jumps in with me.

“Why’d you do that?” I ask once he resurfaces.

“If my Kitty Kat is gonna be cold, than I’m gonna be cold. And dang woman, do you put ice blocks in here every day or something?”

“Um, no.”

“OK. It’s freezing.”

“Why are you two in the pool?” Liam, being Daddy Direction, asks.

“Cause Rhiannon fell in so Louis jumped in due to love.” Niall asks. “And that sounded a thousand times better in my head.”

“Niall made me laugh. That’s why I fell in. Then Louis jumped in because he said he’d suffer with me. It’s freezing. I do not suggest coming in unless you want to freeze your peanuts off.” I say quoting him in a British accent that sounds almost exactly like Liam.

“Hey! Don’t use my quote. MY quote.”

“I’m pulling a Zayn. Well, let’s go boobear. We don’t want your peanuts freezing either.”

Louis gets out of the pool first, then helps me up. I slip on the deck and he catches me.

“Thanks superman.” I kiss him quickly. I huddle with him because the air is even colder than the water. He sits down with me, and motions for Niall to sandwich me. If it keeps me warm.

“But boo, aren’t you cold? And Niall, you’re gonna get wet/cold.”

“Babe, I could care less. I’d rather be all cold and sick than you.”

“And Rhi, I’m fine.”

I whisper to Niall, “Sit beside Louis. I’m fine.”

Niall rolls his eyes and sits beside Louis. He turns his head towards me to protest, but I kiss him and he shuts up.

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