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I arrive at the studio, just in time. My name is Rhiannon Bloom, and I’m the main actress in a movie called “Crash”. As I park in the parking space, I am greeted by the director, Steve, who knows I am a HUGE Directioner.

“Hey Steve! Vas’ happenin’?”

“Haha, nothing much Rhi.”

Steve and I met at a bus stop. Weird, huh? We were sitting, waiting for the bus to come, and he asked me what I wanna do, and I told him I wanna be an actress. So, he set me up here.

“Ready for your first day of recording?”

“I studied the script more than I studied for any test in school. I’m ready.”

“Good. Now, we have a celebrity playing Chris, so, please don’t freak out.”


“You’ll see.”

We walk into the studio, and I’m sure I look so stupid with how large my eyes are. Standing right in front of me, well, a couple yards away, is standing Harry Styles of One Direction. Wow, I fangirl inside so much I’m surprised I don’t cry or faint or something.

“Hello Steve, who is this lovely lady?” Harry comes over and says. I blush as he calls me a “lovely lady”.

“Harry, this is Rhiannon. Rhiannon, this is Harry.”


“Hello, love. So, what brings you here?”

“I am playing Angel.”

“Really? I’m playing Chris!”


“You two, stop chit-chatting and go into costume. Rhiannon, you’re wearing this, and Harry, you’re wearing this.” A studio hand comes up to us with an IPad and shows us what we’re wearing. I’m wearing a pair of jeans, heels, a light blue lace tank top, and a solid white tank top under it. I walk to my dressing room, and I see the outfit. I slip into it, and apply no make-up. I walk out and see Harry, who is dressed in his somewhat normal clothes. He’s wearing chinos and a white shirt. He smiles at me, and we take our places on the plane scene. He gives me a reassuring smile. I’m actually quite nervous. This IS my first acting job, after all.

“You’re on in three, two, one, ACTION!”

Harry looks over at me and says, “Hello. Are you first class, too?”

“Yes, I am. May I ask what your name is?”

“Chris. And yours?”


“Nice to meet you.” He shakes my hand, and he puts his bags up top. Next thing I know, a flight attendant is asking us if we would like refreshments, and once we decline, she tells us about the seatbelt rules, and how to work everything. Once she leaves, I grab my, well, the stage crew’s, IPod touch, and plug in the headphones. I go to Spotify and listen to a random playlist that I helped make. As I start to close my eyes and drift off, we lurch and the plane makes a quiet but loud at the same time explosion sound. I stuff the IPod and headphones in the backpack, and put it on my back. Harry grabs his backpack too.

“Everyone, please put your seatbelts on. We’re having technical difficulties with the engines. Please remain calm and remain seated.”

We suddenly slam into the huge man-made ocean that they set under our ‘plane’. I close my eyes and swim up to the top.

“Angel?” I hear Harry say.

“Ch-Chris? I’m here!” I scream.

He swims over to me, and we get a piece of the wrecked ‘plane’, and he puts me on it. I try and help him up, but he declines.

Crash (Completed) ©Where stories live. Discover now