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Chapter 19

*Judge’s Houses* P.S. I’m nervous just typing this chapter! :P

Kitty Kat’s POV

After many hours on a plane with boys who I swear drink coffee without my knowledge of it, we have landed in Florida, specifically Simon’s house, and I wait for my turn to sing.

“Rhiannon, Simon is ready for you.”

I stand up and brush my skirt off. I’m actually wearing a skirt that comes four inches above my knee, and one of those vest and tie shirts for girls. I’m wearing black combat boots as well, and the skirt is black to match the vest. I have all of my hair to the right, and because I wanted a change, I dyed it red. But, anyways, it’s curled and pulled to the right.

I walk out to the back where Simon and his guest judge, wait for it, CHER LLOYD, are sitting. When I heard Cher Lloyd would be guest judging me, I passed out.

“Hello, Rhiannon. I’m sure you’ve…learned her name, but this is Cher Lloyd. Cher, this is Rhiannon.”

“Hi! Before I begin, I would like to tell you I am a huge fan!”

“Aw, that’s sweet of you. Well, you may begin now.” Cher smiles at me.

Dry lightning cracks across the skies

Those storm clouds gather in her eyes

Her daddy was a mean old mister

Momma was an angel in the ground

The weatherman called for a twister

She prayed “Blow it down”

There’s not enough rain in Oklahoma

To wash the sins out of that house

There’s not enough wind in Oklahoma

To rip the nails out of the past

Shatter every window till it’s all blown away

Every brick every board every slammin’ door blown away

Till there’s nothin’ left standin’

Nothin’ left of yesterday

Every tear-soaked whiskey memory blown away

Blown away

There’s not enough rain in Oklahoma

To wash the sins out of that house

There’s not enough wind in Oklahoma

To rip the nails out of the past

Blown away

Blown Away

Till there’s nothin’ left standin’

Nothin’ left of yesterday

Every tear-soaked whiskey memory blown away

Blown away

Blown away

Blown away

Blown away

Blown away

After I finish, Cher smiles at me and Simon says, “OK, you may go.”

I walk to the room the crew lead me to, and sit beside the British boy I hugged yesterday. I learned his name is Justin Cabello.

“You did amazing, love.”

“Thanks Justin. You did too. Your rendition of Moments nearly had me in tears.”

“Why thanks. Do you like One Direction?”

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