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Kitty Kat’s POV

We arrive at the house, and once we get in, Liam runs up to me and hugs the stuffing out of me. Did I mention I love stuffed animals?

“Where were you two?! You scared me so bad!”

“Liam, Liam, LIAM…” I say. He doesn’t hear me until I poke him in the head.


“We were at my house. We were getting some stuff for when I stay ov-“ I say before I stop.

“Continue?” Louis says.

I completely phase out everyone. There’s this teddy bear. A rather special one, actually. I’ve had her since I was 4. Yes, she’s a her. I called her Teddy Weddy. (A/N: This is a true story. Don’t make fun of her name. I was four.) I got her because my brother and I were in a bus wreck. In that bus wreck, my brother nearly died. Well, when I went to the hospital to visit my brother, I got Teddy Weddy. The bus wreck really messed up his brain. Well, it messed it up more. He has Autism as well. I promised myself that I would never get rid of Teddy Weddy. Never. She’s been my best friend through everything. I’ve told her every single aspect of my life. She’s in rough condition. She’s lost an arm and a leg, and has had more holes in her than Swiss cheese.

“Rhiannon!” Liam says. I snap out of my phase.

“Are you alright?” Louis asks.

I bite my lip and try not to cry. “E…Excuse me.” I ran to Louis’ room, drop my bags, sit on the bed, and cry. I bawl my eyes out. I cry so hard that I don’t even make sounds.

“Rhi…hey, come here.” Louis says after sitting on the bed. He wraps his arms around me, pulls me onto his lap, and lets me cry.

Once I stop crying, he lifts my chin up.

“Now, what’s the matter, love?”

I take a deep breath. I then tell him the story. “I’m upset because I left her at my house, and I miss my brother.”

“Well, we ARE going to Virginia on tour.”

“I know, but that’s in June.”

“You’ve waited this long, haven’t you?”

“True. Thank you boobear. I’m tired.”

“Go to sleep Kitty Kat.”

Louis lays down behind me, and I lay down beside him. He rolls so he’s facing me, and we whispers “Sleep well.” Before I fall asleep.

Boobear’s POV

“Sleep well.” I say before she falls asleep. I pick her up bridal style and carry her with me to the couch. I lay her head on my lap and I play with her hair. Light comes in the window, and it makes her hair look a beautiful gold. Niall and Harry come in, and I ask them, “Lads, do either of you like Rhiannon?”

“Of course! She’s a great friend.” Niall says.

“No, I mean, like like.”

“Oh! No. Not my type.” Niall says.

“She’s a great friend, but no. I don’t really see her as a girlfriend.”

“Oh, OK.”

“Lou?” Harry asks.


“Do YOU like like her?”


“You do?” Niall asks.


“Lemme guess. You talked to Liam about it this morning; you know he doesn’t like her, he told you to ask us since Zayn has a girlfriend and all, and now you’re happy because you can have her. Am I right, or am I right?”

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