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Chapter 21

Kitty Kat’s POV

We got to L.A., and the boys and Brooke are staying at Harry’s house. Louis calls me every day and I practice every day. My first song for live shows is Chasing Cars. You know, the song the boys sang during X Factor? Yeah. I think Simon did that on purpose.

I’ve been rehearsing for so long today that I lose my voice a little. Live shows are in two days, so I’m worried.

“Rhi, you’re losing your voice.”

No, really Simon? Note the sarcasm.

I nod my head and hold my throat. He hands me a water bottle and I drink some.

“Rest for the remainder of today, then we’ll practice tomorrow. No more talking today.”

I compose a text since I can’t talk and tell him:

Since I’m losing practice time today, I’m going to practice on Wednesday even though we’re not really required to.

“OK. If that’s what you want to do. I’m glad to see that you’re trying hard now. Have a good day.”

I go back to the contestant’s house where everyone stays and flop on the bed. Justin walks up.

“You aren’t supposed to be done yet, are you?”

I grab a white board and marker that they have in here for some reason. I write:

Lost my voice.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Need anything?”

Nah, I’ll go get it.

“What is it? Let me help.”

Justin, my voice isn’t working. My legs are.


OK, I admit defeat. Warm tea?

“Right on it. Do you put anything in it?”

Just sugar and vanilla coffee creamer.

“OK, be right back.”

He walks away and I listen to my MP3 player. Louis calls and I decline it, then he texts me.

From: MY Boobear <3

Why’d you decline my call? :’(

To: MY Boobear <3

I can’t talk. I’ve lost my voice a wee bit. :c

From: MY Boobear <3

Aww. :’( I like hearing your voice. :’(

To: MY Boobear <3

You’ll hear it on Wednesday…

From: MY Boobear <3

I want it to be sooner. :’(

To: MY Boobear <3

Don’t cry. You’re gonna make me cry. I love you. <3

From: MY Boobear <3

I love you more. <3

To: MY Boobear <3

Nuh-uh. :P <3

From: MY Boobear <3

Yes-huh. :P <3

To: MY Boobear <3

Hahahaha, well, I’m going to rest now. I love you. <3

From: MY Boobear <3

Love you too. Bye Kitty Kat. <3

To: MY Boobear <3

Bye Boobear. <3 xx

I look up and see Justin has returned.

How long were you standing there?

“Long enough to know you were texting Louis.” He smiles.

I give him a questioning look.

“You smile a certain way when you’re talking to Louis.”

Oh. I smile again.

I finish off the tea as Simon comes in the room.

“Team Simon can go stroll around L.A. since we’re done rehearsing.”

I text Louis.

To: MY Boobear <3

Meet me at Starbucks. Do you mind if Justin comes? He really wants to meet you.

I’m asking Louis if I can bring you to Starbucks so you can meet him.

“Really? Oh wow! Thank you!” He hugs me and Louis texts back.

From: MY Boobear <3

Yay! And of course! He’s a Directioner! We love meeting our fans. I still thank Harry. :)

To: MY Boobear <3

Mushy one, aren’t we? LOL. Anyways, we’re going now.

We get up and head out to Starbucks. About no one is here, and the boys come in the door, along with Brooke.

“How’s practice, Rhi?” Zayn asks.

I screw my lips to the side and scribble my answer down.

Can no longer talk for the rest of today. I can talk, but Simon told me not to.

“Oh, OK. Sorry.” He hugs me.

It’s alright. Boys, and Brooke, this is Justin. Justin, this is boys, and Brooke.

“It’s nice to meet you.” Justin smiles and shakes their hands, but hugs Brooke.

He looooovvvveeees you all. XD

“Hey, I also like Ed Sheeran, and Cher Lloyd. I like British people.”

Don’t forget my Irish budday over here. I give Niall a side hug.

“Sorry, I like Irish people, too.”

Good. Now, are you six coming to X Factor Wednesday?

“Front row tickets babay.” Louis says.

“Um, but Rhi, I actually have to go back to Virginia. There’s something wrong with my family at the moment and they need me home.”

Oh, OK…

“Well, it was nice meeting you all, but I really have to go.” Justin says.

“Oh, and here are those tickets Rhi asked me to get for you.” Louis hands them to Justin.

“Wow! Thanks! Well, bye!” He leaves with a smile on his face.

I smile and hug Louis.

I love you.

He kisses me and responds “I love you too.”

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