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Chapter 20

Kitty Kat’s POV at Simon’s house the next day


Justin gives me a smile as I return it, then Simon gives me a hug.

“Hello, Rhiannon.”

“Good day to you, Simon.”

“How are you?”

“I’m fine, and you?”

“Very well, thank you. Now, you know from 5 years back that I told you no because I figured you KNEW that I wanted you to come back next year, but you didn’t. I was disappointed, but then I heard you were with Harry in Crash, so I had my chance. Now that I’ve told you that, here’s the news.”

There’s a break and I can’t help but cry a little. It’s an emotional time.

“You’re through to the Live Shows.”

I stand up as does he, and he lets me cry into his shoulder.

“Thank you, Simon, for giving me a second chance.”

I walk into the room they told us to go if we got through, and this girl who is American, named Lavender Junes also made it. We cry with each other.

-----------------------------------------------After the show-------------------------------------------------------

Justin, Lavender, a boy named Caden, and I all made it through to live shows. My heart is beating so fast I’m surprised I’m not in cardiac arrest right now. We all talk about live shows with Simon, then we’re told we can go to L.A.

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