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Chapter 4

Louis’ POV

“I like you.”

“I like you, too.”

I pretend to fall asleep, and soon find her asleep. I then think to myself.

“She doesn’t get it. I’m in LOVE with her. Yeah, sure, I just met her, but, it was love at first sight.”

I watch her sleeping, and she’s so beautiful. I lay my hand on her hand, which is in between us, and I drift off.

-----------------------------------------------NEXT MORNING----------------------------------------------------------------------

Rhi’s POV

“Rhiannon, wake up. Wakey wakey. Rhiannon!” Harry screams in my ear. I cringe and scream ‘ow’ at him.

“Good, you’re up. Do you know how to cook?”

“Yeah…why?” I say very groggily.

“I need help with breakfast.”

“Why me? Can’t someone else help you?”

“No, and we need to get ready for work anyways.”

“Ugh, fine.” I move my hand to sit myself up and realize that Louis had his hand on mine. Harry helps me up and I cringe slightly. He walks me into the kitchen.

“OK, how well can you make 10 packets of pre-made pancakes?”

“Really? Pre-made pancakes?”

“Yes. We don’t have any pancake mix.”

“Oh goodness. Well, around 10 minutes because when I used to eat them, you only had to put them in for 1 minute each.”

“OK, here you go.”

Harry hands me a bag of the SAME pancakes I used to eat, and my favorite kind: Maple.

“Harry I think I love you…” I trail off pinching myself to make sure this is real.

“Stop pinching yourself, this is real.”

“Wow, I love these!”

“OK, well, get started!”

I put them in the microwave and heat them all up. Afterwards, Harry wakes everyone up and we all eat. Niall got 5 packs of them. Man, that boy can eat!

“True that!” Louis says.

“I said that out loud?”

“Yes, haha.”

“I need to watch that.”

“Yes, you do.”

“Well, I’m done.” I say, only eating half of the stack.

“Can I have them?” Niall asks.

“Sure, why not.” I roll my eyes and watch him eat the pancakes in 10 seconds.

No one questions why I don’t eat a lot, so I excuse myself to go to Louis’ room, which he has given me full permission to use. I check my phone and I see a text from Steve.

Steve: Wear d dress 2day & u can bring a change of clothes.

I pull out the dress and lay it on the bed, along with the heels. If you’ve read, or better yet seen, The Hunger Games, you’ll get a good visual of the dress. It’s Katniss’ interview dress, basically. It cost me a fortune.  The heels are strapped, and they stop at the top of my ankles. The straps have red-orange gems on them. I hop in the shower, and freshen up. I get out, dry off, and put the dress on. I walk back in the bathroom, and find a blow dryer. I use the blow dryer, and dig through my bag for my curler. I thought I’d left it in there. I find it, then curl my hair. My hair is in perfect ringlets. Victory dance. Then, I go into the bedroom and slide the heels on. I grab my bag and walk into the living room, and everyone turns at the sound of the heels. I drop the bag, and everyone’s eyes are the size of frying pans.

“Wow, Rhi…” Liam says.

“You look amazing…” Zayn says.

“Thanks.” I look down, smile, and blush.

“If you smile at the ground one more time, I’m singing What Makes You Beautiful, missy!” Louis says. He comes over to me, and gives me a hug. He whispers in my ear during the hug, “You look beautiful. No, perfect, love.”

“Thank you Louis.” I whisper back. We back out of the hug, and Harry comes into the room, Louis moves aside and I see Harry. He’s wearing a tux with his famous bow tie.

“Well, aren’t we looking good?” I say.

“You look better.” Harry says.

“Thanks.” I smile. “So, why are we dressed up?”

“Steve didn’t tell you, did he?”


“We’re doing interviews today.”

“Oh great.” I say.

“Hey, we’ll be sitting on a couch, so everything will be OK. OH, and I almost forgot, Steve doesn’t want us holding hands. He said that we could lock arms like they do on award shows, but no hand-holding.”

I give a questioning look. I’m new at this, OK?

“So no rumors start.”

“Oh, OK.”

“Well, let’s go. There’s supposedly a limo to be picking us up in a couple minutes.”

“A limo?”

“Yeah. Get used to it.”

We walk out front as a limo pulls up. The girl from last night and her boyfriend are standing on their porch, mouths open, gaping at us and the limo. We get in, and drive to the interviewing studio

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