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Chapter 16

*It’s Monday*

Kitty Kat’s POV

“Ms. Bloom? You may leave.”

“OK, thank you.”

I get up and do a victory dance. Hallelujah. I’m done here. I pull on the clothes that Louis brought me, and I call him.

“Hey babe, I’m walking down the hall as we speak.”

“OK. I love you.”

“I love you too. Bye.”


I go stand outside my room and he approaches.

“Hello beautiful.” He says. Before I can respond, we embrace and he buries his head in my neck, which is slightly awkward cause again, I’m small.

He kisses my neck lightly and my heart flutters.

“Let’s not be doing anything in this wretched place any longer.” I look around the hall is disgust.


We walk down the hall, into the elevator, sign me out, and out to his car holding hands the whole time. I know people were watching us, in fact, someone screamed boo’s name, but we paid no attention.

He turns to me, and since he has one of those cars where the front seat is like a bench, I snuggle up to him.

He lifts my chin tenderly and kisses me so lightly that even I believe I might break if he even blinks wrong. He deepens the kiss, and I let him. Again, I missed this.

We finally pull away, and he says, “You don’t know how bad I’ve wanted to do that.”

“Touché, Boobear.”

He drives back to my house, where I suppose everyone is.

“Now, Rhi, there’s a slight problem. The boys are seemingly attached to my hip, so wherever I go, they go. I’m going to stay at your house with you, so that means-“

“Louis, you can sleep in my room, Brooke and Niall can share guest room 1, and guest room 2 has 2 beds. I don’t think they’ll mind sharing beds.”

“They better not.”

“OK, then. Let’s go.”

We walk in the front door, and everyone runs up and hugs me, but not a bone crushing hug.

“Guys, it’s not like I am still sick.”

“We don’t want to hurt you!”

“Whatever. Here’s the sleeping plan: Brooke and Niall, you sleep in guest room 1. Brooke, do you know where that is?”


“Go. You three, sort who sleeps where. Which one of you wants the bed to yourself?”

No one answers. I get this à -_- ß on my face, then Liam pipes up, “Harry can have his own bed. He hogs the blankets.”

“No arguing Harry, now, move out, soldiers!”

They go to guest room 2, and I take some Ibuprofen because those boys give me a headache sometimes.



“I’ve had one ever since you were admitted to LAMH. Don’t worry.”

We hug, and I realize it is 10:00 p.m.

“Well, are you going to bed?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Lez go.”

We trudge upstairs to my room, and I flop on the bed.

“I love you bed.”

“I thought you loved me!” Louis says, feigning hurt.

“Can’t I love you both?”


“You suck bed. Die in a hole.”

Louis laughs.

“Sleep with me.”


“Cause I told you to.”


I lay down then something somewhat hard hits my head.

“Ow…” I say, seeing Teddy Weddy!

“TEDDY!” I hug her happily.

“Now, Teddy or me?” Louis says.

I look sadly at him, then at Teddy, then back at him. “I’d rather die.”


We lie down and I fall into a dreamless sleep.

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