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Chapter 6

We walk through the tunnel, and before we hit the end, I am hit with a sudden wave of heat. We walk a little more, and it’s more like a large pond full of lava. It’s got little paths that lead to the center. In the center is a pedestal.

“I’ll go for it. I mean, the pedestal.”

“OK. I’m following though.”

I take one path which is pretty decently wide. I try my best to not fall in the lava and die. I reach the pedestal, and I see it has a dial, kind of like a safe.

“Let me see.” Harry says. He walks around me, and looks at the dial. It has pictures.

“How in the world are we going to open this thing? It has like, 10 dials!”



“Look.” I point to the walls of the volcano, and it has random pictures. Ten pictures, to be exact. I see one of a plane, so I start on that one, and the dial clicks. I keep going clockwise, and it clicks nine more times. Once it clicks the 10th time, the stone around the dial pops off a little. I pull it off, and see a safe. I open the safe a see a necklace. It’s a gold necklace, with a light blue stone set in gold. There’s also a note.

“It says, ‘Thy lady whom shall possess this necklace is thy lady whom shall survive on this island. If thy lady accompanies a man, thy man and thy lady shall live.’”

“Angel, I’d put it on.”

I quickly slip it on, and Steve calls a cut.

“Why in the love of Nando’s are you calling a cut in the middle of a volcano?!”

“Because you need to put these in.”

I open the contact lens case and see blue contacts.

“The necklace is supposed to change your eye color.”

“Oh, that’s nice.”

I put them on, and Steve leaves. He calls action again.



“Your eyes…turned…blue…”


“Yeah, they’re blue.”

“Wow, this necklace is special.”

“You think the necklace did it?”

“I’m not denying it.”

“Let’s get out of here. I’m freaked out.”

“Yeah, I am a little.”

“There’s an exit.”

We walk across the volcano once again, and then we get out of there.

“Isn’t it weird how we haven’t seen any water since we crashed?”

“Kind of. I’d at least expect a stream. My canteen is empty as of now.”

“Mine has about a drip left.”

“We need to find water.”

We go walking around, and then I yelp.



“I found a spring!”

“Is it fresh?”

I take my hand and get a sip. “As fresh as it gets.”

“Let’s fill up our canteens.”

We pull our canteens out of the packs, and fill them up. I wash my face off, and I see my reflection. All of the make-up is gone. I use my jumper sleeve to dry my face off. Harry sits me down on a rock, and I sit beside him. We each get some of the berries he gathered and a coconut. We eat, and Harry makes the bed. Once he’s done, he plops me down. This is it. We’re about to kiss.

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