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Kitty Kat’s POV

The tour is going AMAZING! We’re in America again, but right now we’re in Virginia. It’s the 21st of June, and we’re taking time to go see my family. We’re in Harrisonburg and my palms are getting sweaty.

“This place really has changed.” I whisper to no one in general.

“Nervous?” Louis asks.

“A wee bit.” I say.

“You’ll do fine.”

“I know.”

We get into Weyers Cave and I breathe deeply.

“Keep going…Turn right after you see the storage facility.”

Harry turns into the cul-de-sac.

“Smallest white house.”

We pull up the driveway. My parents finally fixed it, I see.

I open the car door, and the boys come with me.

I walk up the steps, open the screen door, then ring the doorbell.

My dad opens the door and looks at me surprised.


“Hi Dad.”

“Come in. You must be the boys. I’ve heard much more than you think from this one.” He hugs me once we’re all inside.

My mom walks into the living room and she sees me with the boys. Her eyes grow huge.

“Rhiannon!” She runs to me and hugs me.

“Where’s Robbie?”

“Upstairs in his room.”

“Is it still green?”

“Go see for yourself.”

I ask the boys to take a seat and I go upstairs. I walk into Robbie’s room because his door is open. I see the green then walk into the game room. He’s playing Dragon Ball on the play station.

“Sissy?!” He says excitedly. He jumps up and hugs me.

“Hi Robbie.” I hug him back.

“What brings you home?”

“Come with me. I’ll show you.”

We walk down the steps with me holding his hand. I pull him beside me.

“OK, I’m going to make this quick. Mom, Dad, Robbie, this is Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn. Boys, this is Mom, Dad, and Robbie.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Bloom, Mrs. Bloom, and Robbie.” Louis says.

“Oh, please, call me Tammy.”

“Call me Robert.”

“So, sissy, what brings you to Virginia, and why are you with One Direction?”

“Well, I became an actress in a movie called Crash, and Simon Cowell, you know, him? Well, he made Harry play a role. So, we became friends. Then, Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn came to Harry’s house when I was there practicing the script. We all became friends. Louis and I ended up dating, I went on X Factor again, I won, and now I’m going on tour with the boys.”

My mom hugs me again. “I always knew you’d become famous.”

“Thanks mom.”

“No problem.”

“So, why are you going on tour with the boys?” My dad asks.

I sit beside Louis and Harry on the couch.

“The winner of X Factor gets to open for them. But, there’s also another surprise.”

“Well, what is it?!” Robbie says in excitement.

“Simon Cowell owns my record label. I share a record label with these five. In other words, I’m aboard the Syco train.”

My family screams in excitement.

“So, are you planning anything yet with Simon?” Niall asks. My mom, dad, and brother look at him.

“She’s only allowed to tell us specifics. We don’t know anything, really.” Louis says.

“Well, Simon is working on getting some more songs written for my album, I’m doing a book soon, and there’s a couple signings here and there. He said we’re gonna plan a tour after the album is done.“

“Are you excited?” My mom asks.

“I am, but I’m going to keep my feet on the ground. I’m not going to let any of it get to my head.”

“Good girl.” Harry pats my head. I swat his hand away.

“Are you ready for D.C. in two days?” Niall asks.

“No, are you?” I ask back.

“Yes, and why not?”

“I’m tired.”


“Well, Rhiannon, we’ve got your room upstairs. You can sleep in there, and we can make arrangements for you boys.” My mom says.

“All of my posters are up there still?”


“Be right back!”

I run up the stairs into my room. MY ONE DIRECTION WALL IS STILL IN TACT! Oh my gosh, I am so happy. I touch all of the posters are the memories come flooding back. I see my Hello Kitty stuff still sitting on my dresser. Everything is here.

“Hey, babe.” Louis comes in my room.

“Hey.” I smirk at him cause he didn’t take note of my wall yet.

“Holy shhh-” He says about my wall.

“You like?” I give him a wink.

“You weren’t kidding when you said you loved us.”

“Mind you this collection started on February 14th 2012, and it ended January 25th, 2018.”

“That is a long time.”

“It is. Six years.”

“Did you just do that math?”


I sit down on my bed. The sheets are white silk and the mattress itself is very low to the ground. I’ve wanted curtains, but it’d hide some of my posters.

Louis sits down beside me. “Nice bed.”


There’s a slight pause.

“Why so distant?” I ask him.

“Well, it’s just…”

“Just what?”

“I found out something. I’m not comfortable with it.”


There’s a pause.

“What, Louis?”


I’m so mean, aren’t I? :3 Stay tuned for chapter…33- 34! Mmhmm, I got off my lazy butt and scrolled. *dance party* Well, goodnight. Luff you bebez.

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