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Chapter 32

Kitty Kat’s POV

I’m in a dark alley, and the only light is from a nearby street lamp. There are people in black trying to get me. I’m cornered to the wall, and one takes off the mask he was wearing. He doesn’t have a human face. It’s like an alien type thing. It reaches out for me and I scream.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” Louis says sitting beside me. I’m drenched in sweat and the covers are off of me. I’m breathing heavily and my heart is beating so hard and so fast it feels like my true ribs are going to burst. (A/N: If you don’t know what your true ribs are, those are the top ribs that protect your heart and lungs, the four ribs below it are false ribs, and the two below it are floating ribs because they’re not connected to and costal cartilage. A little life science for you there. :D )

“Bad dream.”

“The movie?”

“Oddly enough, nothing from the movie was in it. An alien thing was, though. Well, about five of them.”

“Well, I’m sorry.”

He snuggles up to me and we fall asleep again.

This time, I dream of the sunset kiss. But yet again, it’s warped into something horrible. He pushes me away and we stand up.

“What’s wrong, babe?” I ask.

“Don’t call me that.”


“I don’t love you.”


“You heard me! I’ve never loved you. I just got with you because I took pity on you. I’ve never had feelings for you.”


“No. Just go. We don’t want you with us anymore.”

I run back to the hotel , pack my bags, and go to the door. Before I get there, I am stopped by Liam.

“What’s wrong, love? Why are you leaving?”

“Louis…he…doesn’t want me here anymore. He doesn’t love me.”

“That’s not true, love. You are the key to his heart.”

“He told me it’s not true!” I scream with tears streaming down my face.

(A/N: For all of you numbskulls that are…well…numbskulls, I must remind you this is all a dream.)

He moves my bags away from the door, picks me up bridal style, takes me to his room, and lays me down on the bed. He sits beside me. He strokes my hair and holds my hand until I fall asleep.

I wake up from the dream, same way as last time except you replace the sweat and screaming with tears. I look over and the clock says 9:00 A.M. Louis’ not in here anymore. Thinking about the dream makes me sob harder, but I do it quietly as to not scare the others.

I pull Teddy Weddy out of my bag. Yes, I brought her with me. I sit criss cross applesauce on the bed while squeezing her to my chest.

“Hey, are you alright?” Liam says, popping his head in the room.

“I’m fine.” I lie.

“No, you’re not.” He sits down on the bed. “What’s wrong?”

“Bad dream.”

“Wanna tell me?”

“I guess that’s better than nothing.”

I repeat the dream and the conversation to him, and when I cry, he looks like he’s going to as well. He hugs me close to him and I bury my head into his chest.

“That would never happen, dear.” He tells me, well, the top of my head.

I say nothing as there is nothing to say.

He tilts my head towards him like Louis does when he’s about to kiss me.

“Louis loves you. Despite anything that happens, you truly are the key to his heart. The other day when you were singing “Tearin’ It Down” before opening, he said “No other girl in the world compares to her.” He said it with the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on his face. You light up his world, and you also make us four really happy. We were always the crazy, happy, jumpy, flirty bunch before you came around, but now that you have, you keep us under control. You keep us grounded. We all love you. OK?”

“OK. Thank you Liam.” I hug him again. He wipes the tears off of my face and he kisses the top of my head.

“So, go take a shower and we’ll discuss what we’re doing today, OK?”


He leaves the room as I take my shower. I sing He’s So Good For Me while I’m in there.

“So good.” I end the song.

Louis really is so good for me.

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