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Chapter 17


Kitty Kat’s POV

I put on my dress that’s really only a little longer than a t-shirt, jeans, and black strapped sandals. The dress is black with pink Japanese flowers on it, and it’s strapless. The jeans are regular blue jeans, and the sandals don’t have any special qualities except for the fact that they come up to my ankles.

“Babe, you ready?” Louis says, knocking on the door to my bathroom.

“Yes, I am.”

“Wow, you look beautiful. Are you wearing make-up?”

“Only mascara.”

“Good, cause you look beautiful without it.”

I smile. “Let’s go.”

We all get in the van and drive to the X Factor studio.

------------------------------------At the show--------------------------------------------

“OK, can we have Rhiannon Bloom?”

I stand up and get the mic. I’m the 10th person to sing. And like that was coincidental. Again with the sarcasm. You know, Louis and I are very sarcastic.

“You may begin.”

I sing Little Things, and there is so much applause my ears just about burst. I give them the mic and go stand with the other contestants.

“You did great.” An Australian girl, Katrina Williams, tells me.

“Thanks. You did too.” I smile.

-----------------------------------After the show---------------------------------------------

“I guess I’ll be finding out who goes home tomorrow.” I mumble in nervousness.

“Babe, you’re most likely gonna win this thing. I promise.” Louis tells me.

We walk out to the van where I’m tackled with hugs.

“Congrats Rhi! You did lovely!” Liam says.

“Thanks Li. Let’s go home.”

We drive to my house and I think, “We all can take a kip…sorry, nap. I guess dating 1/5 of One Direction and being best friends with the other 4/5 made an impression.” I smile at the thought.

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