Chapter [9]

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The songs for this chapter are:

-Afire Love: Ed Sheeran

-The Phoenix: Fall Out Boy

-Monster: Meg & Dia (DotEXE Dubstep Remix)

This chapter is for Selenator_Ameera ; good luck on your college interview! I love you so much. May everything good happen to you. Best of luck, beautiful. Enjoy :)

Selena's POV

I'm addicted to the way I hurt when I look at you, because feeling the pain is better than feeling nothing at all. I've got a million things to say but I know they'd come out all wrong, so I don't even try. Of all the mistakes I've made in my life, you will be the worst. Sometimes I scare myself because sometimes you're the only reason I'm here. I built these walls around my heart to watch them crumble down. And I admit that I'm the one that handed you the gun, but you're the one that decides to pulls the trigger.

You have seen a side to me I never knew. This dominate hold and claim over your affection. What a ticking time bomb this all is, just waiting, preparing to blow up in our faces.

For now we settle in the comfort of silence and eyes.

Oh your eyes.

I have never seen such stories behind others as I see in yours. There's something about your eyes that mesmerize me, that just take my breath away and I just want to ask myself why?


Why, do I feel as if you are the only one in my headlights? Like the darkness that sometimes takes over ones soul refuses when I see you. The same light that shines on you in my eyes is the same light that fades so quickly.

I don't know why I feel the way I do.

Perhaps because the secrets you keep locked up inside are holding us both back.

You walk around like there is something else.

A feeling, a being, a burden setting into your soul, or taking the weight off your shoulders, but your devils have bewitched mine and there has never been a greater feeling to excite.

The shivers of sweet touches lay on my skin so heavenly and the lace of your silky, miraculous ways of captivating me hang in the air even long after you are gone.

If your goal was to make me want you, then congrats you fulfilled your goal.

But what about mine? What about my goals? Haven't I a say in the return for your affection?

I want answers. I enjoy your hands on my body more than I should, just enjoy the free ride of my mind filling my fantasies, but I can't live like that forever. We only get one life and you mean more to me than to only occupy a small damn of it.

With this journey we have embarked on, knowing having long lost what we used to not know and now do, a long time in the beginning; but I like it. Even though I want more, I will settle for what I have done.

I will settle for the sights of your body, if only glimpses that don't last more than mere seconds, and I will enjoy the sweet, sick sarcasm that only you and I get, I will embellish myself in my own thoughts if you don't feel the same.

But, I will take the heart of mine that has become yours and steal it back. If you haven't the eyes for me, like I for you, then I will return to my place.

I will see and not touch, love but not take.

You could have me. I want you to know, all of me. My body is willing to let you take claim over me so I can take claim over yours. It is a battle I am willing to meet in the middle with, but only if you feel the same.

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