Chapter 3 : Contagious Love

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Part 4 - Louis' POV

Im not sure what it was about this girl, but not even knowing her name or anything about her, I felt as though I had known her for ages. That beautiful blonde hair that flowed through the wind at ease and her big blue eyes that had me memorized. There was something about this girl, something different. And with the series of unfortunate events that had been coming in my direction, I just needed someone to vent to. I could tell by the way she looked me straight in the eye when I talked that she truly cared. When she responded with her intelligent advice, I knew that was exactly what I needed to hear. Although I didn't want to accept it, I knew she was right. I tried to say thank you but no words came out so I simply gave her a hug, hopefully showing how much I cared.  

"I'm Louis by the way," I mumbled, finally regaining myself.  

"I'm Cassie," she said shyly, looking down at her hands.  

"So Cassie, why were you crying earlier?"  

"Oh, that.. Well it's nothing to cry about compared to what you just told me.." she said, her voice trailing off.  

"Well it had to be bad enough to make you cry! C'mon I told you my story, now it's your turn."  

"Alright.. Well my parents just got divorced leaving me with my mom. My mom got offered a job here in London, so without consulting me, she packed up our bags and we just arrived here about half an hour ago," she said in her soft american accent.  

"Ooh that's tough. Divorce is hard enough, but leaving your friends and family behind.. That's even tougher." "Yeah I guess, but I should've be complaining compared to what your dealing with."  

"Well what your going through is not easy, trust me I know."  

"You know? How do you know?" She asked politely.  

"Well my parents got divorced in 2010, a year or more ago. And I'm always traveling around the world, so i left my Mum at home. It must have been hard for her you know, going through the daily life, with me gone and her husband. I never even get to think about it since I'm always so busy."  

"You travel the world? Why?"  

"Well around 11 months ago, I auditioned for the X-Factor. I either could go home as a solo artist or continue in a group. It wasn't too hard of a decision for me, since I wanted to audition in a band before. So we became a band called One Direction! We made it all the way to the finals and got third.. But we got signed afterwards to Simon Cowell's label." "Oh my gosh! That's so cool!"  

"Yea! We went on a X-Factor tour later and now here we are, almost a whole year of being a band!"  

"Wow, your pretty famous then aren't you?"  

"I guess you could say that," I said smirking a bit. "But I'm always away from my hometown which is Doncaster. You see, I got a phone call about my mother. Her and my family are coming here to London in the next couple of days."  

"Well I'd love to meet her," Cassie said as she smiled brightly. Her smile was contagious. She just made everything seem so much better.  

"Well aren't I being rude, bragging nonstop about the band, sorry love! Why don't you tell me about yourself!" We both sat on that bench for at least an hour talking about our lives. Cassie was going to start her 12 year of school, turning 18 in the fall. Big dreams of becoming a fashion editor. "Hey, I've got a surprise for you, want to go somewhere with me?" I asked her, grabbing her soft delicate hands and looking at her with my puppy dog eyes.  

"Sure," she responded without any hesitation.

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