Chapter 27: Come Closer

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POV: Cassie

Its weird how I thought I knew everything about Louis, but being away from him had made me forget all those small details that I had known before. Like how his lips fit perfectly with mine. Or how I seemed to fit just right in the hollow spot of his collarbone. His smell that I had been longing for, was now at the tip of my nose. The moment of seeing my dearest Louis had almost put me in tears. We both pull away from each other at the same time. He took his cold shaking hands and framed my face with them, putting his forehead against mine.

"I love you so much," he whispered, gently and tenderly placing his lips to mine. When we break apart it takes me a minute to finally open my eyes. I wish his lips would linger on mine for longer. He lets me go and greets his family that were hugging our legs. Picking up Daisy and Phoebe and spinning them around, this moment couldn't be anymore perfect. We walked to the luggage area where we picked up Louis' and the rest of the boys bags and headed for the elevator. Everyone began to pile in, all the girls, Harry, Zayn, Niall, Liam, and even some body guards.

"There's no way were fitting in this one, we'll catch the next lift, meet ya at the top," Louis explains as the elevator doors shut and it's just Louis and I, and a couple of bags. He then grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers between mine. I looked at him and couldn't help but smirk, we were alone at last. The elevator opens up and just the two of us pile in. Louis grabs my other hand and is now swinging them back and fourth, and just when I was about to ask him how his trip was I get slammed against the elevator wall, with Louis' body against mine. I can feel his heart beating against mine and the warmth of his skin. He pressed his lips to mine and we start to go faster and faster. His hands escape mine and are now exploring the small of my back. I throw my arms around his neck and he picks me up. We are going fast, it's hard to breath, but it doesn't matter. I wrap my legs tightly around his waist and I let my head lean back as he kissed my chest all the way up my neck and back to my lips. I let put a moan, that echoed through our bodies. His hands that were grabbing my butt were now placed under my shirt. I then heard the ding of the elevator which startled both of us, he kisses me passionately one last time and gives me a huge smile letting my feet reach the ground. We didn't have to say anything to each other, because no words could describe how I'm feeling, it has to be experienced. I couldn't even catch my breath before the elevator doors slid open and we saw the rest of the crew.

"Well well well, what was going on in there?" Harry asked jokingly his green eyes looking back and fourth at Lou and I. I gave him and little smile and he opened his arms for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist hiding my face in his shirt so no one would see my flushed cheeks.

"I missed you," I said to him.

"Missed you too," he said squeezing me that little bit harder. I hugged the rest of the boys and greeted them happily. Nothing could ruin my mood. Until Daisy reached for my hand and motioned for me to kneel next to her. I slipped down to her height,

"When can we go see Mommy?" She asks me politely. I totally forgot about Jay. We hadn't seen her in awhile. I couldn't write the horrible news to Louis, or text him or call him. I needed to tell him in person.

"Soon," I reply.

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