Chapter 1: When Fate Steps In

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Hola everyone :) I'm Giovanna! So I basically wanted to tell you that this story is rated PG, but that doesn't mean you have to read it with your parents... Haha just wanted to clear that up! Anyways on with the story :)

POV: Cassie

The bright summer sun glistened among the ocean top, but not for long, I was moving and nothing could stop me. I sat on the dock with my feet in the water tightly clenching a wild flower I had found from nearby.

"I'm moving, I'm not moving. I'm moving, I'm not moving," I said plucking each dainty little pedal off the flower. I sure was gonna miss Miami. The beautiful waves that rolled in continuously day in day out, the sunsets that make the ocean shine a shade of orange and yellow, how could you not love Miami? But that wasn't the only thing I was going to miss, I will forever miss my best friend Claire and my boyfriend Cameron, or I guess ex-boyfriend now.. We both agreed that it was too much work to have a long distance relationship. Cameron was sweet, well most of the time... But there was this feeling I got when he held my hand and kissed me that just didn't feel right. He was cocky and probably cared more about X-Box than how I felt, but somehow I had stayed with him for over 6 months. Anyways I'll also miss my family, or at least what's left of it. The whole reason behind moving was because my mother and father got a divorce. I guess I could say I saw it coming, but it sure was going to be difficult not having a so called "family". Well that's actually a lie, I really never did have a "family", only the picture of what I wanted a family to be that I imprinted in my brain. I always had been a girl that wanted a perfect family, with a mom and a dad, and maybe even siblings or a pet. But somehow God had never given me my wish, only slashed it from me over and over again. I had been given a choice to go with my dad or my mom, and that had been one of the easiest decisions I've ever made. My dad and I never got along, always bumping heads with our over opinionated perspectives. So I had no choice but to go with my mom which was fine until I heard the catch, moving to London. My mom never had a stable job, always changing and loosing jobs one after the other, but after the divorce she got offered a job as a receptionist all the way in London. It's too bad I wasn't one year older, then I could make my own decisions.

"C'mon Cassie, the cab is waiting for us, we're going to be late for our flight!" My mother screamed from the front foyer of our sold house.

"Coming mom," I said in a small voice whipping a single tear that fell from my ocean blue eyes. It was summer vacation I should be hanging out with friends and going to the beach like a normal seventeen year old, but obviously God had different plans for me. What had I done to deserve this?

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

After a long 10 hour flight I was so tired and cranky, I still couldn't believe my mom would accept this job without even asking me. With steam coming out of my ears and my blood steaming, I knew that if my mom said one word I would blow. The taxi ride to our apartment was long and quiet, I don't think either of us were in the mood for talking, but I could definitely feel the tension between us. Our apartment was very nice; located in the heart of London. The apartment backed onto a pond that was lit up by street lights. It was definitely man made and not to swim in but the scenery made it seem like a beach, which made me feel at home already. We reached our apartment, or "flat" as the Brits call it and it was about 12pm at night.

"How was the plane ride?" My mother asked me when we finally got settled into our new dwelling. I was still fuming with anger. Even though the scenery was amazing here and it was truly beautiful I wanted my mom to know how I was feeling, I wanted her to feel sorry for me.

"Fine," I stated bluntly not taking a look in her direction.

"Do you like our place?" She asked kindly.

"It's fine mom."

"I think your really going to like it here...."

I interrupted her, "like it here?! You think I'm going to like it here?! I liked Miami mom, that's where I belong that's my home!" My fists were clenched tightly and I could feel my veins popping out of my skin as I yelled at her. I know she didn't deserve it; but I was just so ruddy tired and annoyed that I couldn't even think before I spoke my opinion. I've become too much like dad.

"You know Victoria, I'm really trying here." My mother said in a soft voice, I knew she was trying to calm me down. But it didn't work.

"Well try HARDER!" I yelled as I stormed out of the apartment feeling tears fill up in the corners of my eyes. So much emotion was flooding throughout my whole body. I didn't know much about this place, all I knew was where the pond was, so that's where I headed. The sky was dark, but the London lights kept it from being unbearable. I spotted a bench by the pond, so I took a seat. The tears were streaming like waterfalls down my cheeks now, but the sight of the water and the sand in between my toes was starting to calm me down.

"Is this where you come when you're in a bad mood too?"

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