Chapter 21: How Could You

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POV: Cassie

I awoke in a startle from all the girls running down the stairs. My eyes were stinging and my pillow case was damp.

"Cassie, Cassie!" They all screamed as they stomped down the stairs. I whipped my eyes hoping my make up wasn't all over my face.

"What's wrong?" I asked uncovering myself from the blanket and sitting up in my bed. They all looked at each other with a wondering expression.

"I think the real question is what's wrong with you?" Fizzy asked.

"Oh it's nothing, don't worry about me," I started, but the thought of Louis made my words trail off. His face that I remember so vividly was imprinted in my brain. The little mischievous grin he always had on his face and his perfectly round blue eyes. I couldn't get him out of my head. The room was silent for what seemed to last a century until we heard the loud door bell.

"I'll get it," I sighed as I lifted my worthless body from the couch and walked towards the white wooden door. I opened the door to reveal nothing but a little yellow envelope with my name addressed on it. I picked it up and shut the door behind me. The package contained the journal that I had seen not to long ago. I opened it up the the second page and began to read. There was nothing but sappy words about him missing me. Nothing that explained anything about the horrible occurrence.

"Who was at the door?" Daisy asked in a little voice, coming up to me and hugging my leg.

"Oh it was the journal from Louis, look he wanted me to tell you and the girls that he loves you," I replied bending down to her height and showing her the exact writing that he had wrote. She threw her little pale arms around my neck and hugged me tightly.

"I miss him so much," she said sniffling. I assumed she began crying. I hugged her back even tighter and said,

"Me too sweetie, me too." And even though I was so heartbroken and so angry, I wasn't lying. I did miss him. I missed everything about him. I missed the way he always made me laugh or the way he always smiled after he kissed me. She looked at me and I whipped the continuous tears that were falling down her cheek.

"Well I'll tell you what! Why don't I go write my entry to Louis and you can call him!" She fluttered her eyelashes and nodded her head. I kissed the top of her head and she slowly walked away. I ran to the office area and closed the door tightly behind me. The room was silent and only had a simple desk with a laptop. I sat down and opened to the last passage again. I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks now. I imagined myself throwing and tearing up the dreadful journal, but there was something inside me that stopped me from doing it. I took a deep breath and grabbed a black ink pen from near by. I looked at the page and began to write, there was so many tear drops on the page but I don't care. I wanted him to know I was crying. I want him to feel sorry for me. My hands shook as I wrote the date.

September 22, 2011

How could you?

I shut the book immediately after I finished writing exactly what I was thinking. I shoved it back in the envelope and crossed out my address with a black sharpie and wrote his. I stapled it closed and finally started to man up. I couldn't let the girls know what had happened, and I definitely couldn't let them see me like this. I was suppose to be the strong encouraging role model, and that's what I want them to see me as. Not some wimpy girl who feels empty inside. I looked at my reflection and made sure my eyes weren't puffy. I then made my way outside of the apartment and placed the envelope in the mailbox. When I got back inside the apartment I saw Lottie holding the phone to her ear,

"She just walked in right now! Do you want to talk to her?" She said into the phone. I looked at her and shook my head and grabbed my stomach and ran upstairs.

"Oh she actually isn't feeling very well.." I heard Lottie say. I threw my hands to my face and closed my eyes as I walked not knowingly around the upstairs floor. Then suddenly I felt a hard boney shoulder hit me. I opened my eyes and saw the nanny standing there with the vacuum in her hands.

"Oh I'm so sorry," I started, "I wasn't really looking where I was going."

"That's fine," she replied with an awkward smile painted on her face.

"Well aren't I being rude, would you like some help? This place is pretty big for only one cleaner," I exclaimed.

"Sure that would be lovely, the upstairs needs to be vacuumed if you don't mind," she replied. I nodded my head and plugged the vacuum in. I started on the right and made my way to the left. The last room was Rebecca's room, I opened the door with ease and looked around. It was a very nice room, I wonder why she always has the door shut? I made my way around her bed and into her bathroom. The last place for me to vacuum was her closet. I tried to open the door but had a tough time, there was many things blocking the way. I opened the door just enough so I could reach my arm in and turn the lights in. Then with all my strength I pushed the door open and fell to the ground. My force must have been too strong and threw me to the ground. I got up and whipped pants clean until something shinny caught my eye. I looked at it with my eyes squinted. My necklace?

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