Chapter 19: Missing Pieces

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POV: Cassie

The more I think about Louis the more sorrow I feel deep within my soul. I try not to, but I read every article about him and watch every interview. Something about seeing him on a show, cracking his jokes and seeing him smile makes me all warm inside. I'm proud to say he's mine. I feel like I'm with him when he's on a talk show. Today Louis would be on a radio station that airs here in London, so I'm going to visit the girls and listen to it with them. I kissed my mom good bye and left my flat, walking as my dressed flowed in the light breeze. It was a gorgeous day today, the sun at its highest peek. Louis and I always spent these days at the pond together..

As I reached the girls flat I chatted a bit with the security guards and then walked in. Immediately as I knocked on the door, it swung open so fast I almost got knocked out.

"CASSIE!" Phoebe and Daisy said in unison. It must be a twin thing.

"Theres my beautiful girls!" I yelled reaching down and picking them up. "How are you guys?" I asked both girls in my arms.

"Great now that your here!"

"Is Cassie here?" I heard a scream coming from upstairs.

"Yes! I'm down here!" I yelled back.

"Well can you come up here, I'm missing my earring!" It was Fizzy screaming.

"I'll be up in a sec," I said setting the twins down. I ran up the wooden spiral staircase until I reached Fizzy's room which was on the right.

"What earring are you looking for?" I asked finally reaching her side. She was looking through her jewelry chest.

"My diamond one! The one Louis gave me!" She said frustrated. I could tell he had been looking for awhile since all her jewelry was spread everywhere. We looked for half an hour until we both agreed it wasn't in this room.

"Have you asked you sisters, or maybe the nanny had moved it by accident?" I suggested.

"Daisy, Phoebe! Where is my diamond earring! Did you touch it?" Fizzy screamed heading downstairs. I walked over to the room which was isolated on the left, I'm guessing it was the Nanny's room. I knocked on the door and she opened it just so I could see her head.

"Hello," I started. "I'm not sure if I ever introduced myself, I'm Cassie. I'm Louis' girl-"

"I know. I'm Rebecca." she said in a little voice. I put my hand out for a shake, but Rebecca just looked at my hand and smiled. I guess she doesn't do handshakes. I let my hand fall then asked a simple question.

"Um so Fizzy lost her earring, it's diamond. And I was just wondering if you knew where it was or had seen it?"

She thought for awhile, "hmmm, I dont think I have, I'll keep an eye out for it." I thanked her and left her to herself. I walked down the wooden stairwell and came across Daisy who was crying miserably in a corner.

"Daisy," I exclaimed, walking a little bit faster towards her.

"What's wrong?" I asked kneeling beside her and placing my hand on her back. The poor little thing, I can't imagine what she's one through and she's only 7. She sniffles and looks up at me with her big blue eyes. They reminded me of Louis'.

"I've l-lost my DSi," she stuttered.

"Shh shh, it's okay. It's gotta be around here somewhere" I whispered to her. I hugged her tightly and got up, lending out a hand for her to grab. She whipped the lonely tear from her cheek and grabbed my hand. But really what was going through my head was, why is everything going missing? Maybe this is just a coincidence? We turned the whole apartment upside down looking for those two items which were quite expensive. But we had no luck.

"Phoebe, it's okay if you took them, just give them back," Lottie explained to her in a very gentle voice.

"I didn't do it!" She screamed out.

"Look your the only girl here who hasn't had anything gone missing! It's okay if you did it, we won't be mad!" Fizzy jumped in. It was true though, she was the only girl who hadn't lost anything. A lot of Lottie's makeup had gone missing which made us think it was Phoebe since she always loves to get dolled up. And even Rebecca the nanny had lost some shoes.

"I swear I didn't do it!" she exclaimed, her eyes filling with tears.

"Then who did it?" Lottie asked crossing her arms. We had an argument for awhile, it all ended in tears, not only was no one believing that Phoebe maybe didn't do it, but everyone had lost some pretty important things. I looked at my phone it was 10am. I had been here for 2 hours. And I hadn't even showered yet!

"Look girls, tell you what. You keep searching the house and I'll have a quick shower, then we will go get some ice cream okay?" They all nodded their heads and I might have even saw some small smiles. When in doubt, always go out for ice cream. I walked upstairs into the bathroom that was shared amongst the girls. I shut the door and started to unclothe myself. Taking off my sundress and my beautiful necklace i had received from Louis. It all just wasn't making sense, how could of all these things go missing? Someone was up to this. I blasted the hot water in the shower and stepped in. With the curtain closed and the water in full blast the noise of the girls arguing finally went silent. It was so relaxing. After I finished bathing myself and washing my hair I stepped out of the shower and reached for a towel that was near by. I dried myself off humming little toons. I slipped on my sundress again and unconsciously reached for my necklace. My fingers felt the cold counter, but instead of feeling my necklace, I felt a bare cold counter. I searched around the room thinking I might have dropped it or hit it off the counter, but it was no use. My necklace had been stolen.


Hey y'all :) so who do you think is stealing all the girls stuff? Comment please! Tell me how I'm doing! Constructive criticism is good! Thanks for reading, your all beautiful! xoxo •Giovanna•

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