Chapter 4: Spontaneous Is Key

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POV: Cassie

Louis grabbed my hand and we walked towards his car. You'd think it would be odd, holding nearly a strangers hand. I had just met this guy only an hour or two ago. But his hands were warm and soft, and his fingers placed in between mine, felt as though they fit perfectly.

"So your not going to tell me where your taking me are you?" I asked raising an eyebrow and giving him a cheeky smirk.

"Well what kind of surprise would that be!" Louis said laughing.

"Fine." I said giggling. I loved how spontaneous Louis was. Something that Cameron was definitely not. Cameron would rather play video games with his cat then go on a date with me. I had never been to London before, it was so much different than Houston, the buildings were crowded together, and this city, it seemed to never sleep. There were always bright lights and people roaming around. I had spent so much time worrying about leaving Houston that I never realized that I was moving into a truly beautiful city.

When we finally pulled up into a complex, we both got out of the car and started heading to the entrance.

"Well here we are, it'a not that good of a surprise.. I guess I just usually don't bring girls I meet on the bench back to my flat," Louis said making me laugh.

"Well I'm honored!" I responded kindly. Hand in hand, I followed Louis past the security and through to his room which was filled with 4 other boys.

"Hey lads, I would like you to meet Cassie!" Louis exclaimed pointing to me.

"Hi," I said shyly.

"Hey Cassie!" I heard one boy say!

"It's not usual for Louis to bring a girl home, you must be pretty special," another boy said. Louis introduced me to each and every boy. First there was Liam, then Niall, then Zayn, and lastly Harry. All the boys were very welcoming and sweet, asking me every 5 minutes if I needed anything. We all sat down and started talking. They began talking about their new tour that would be coming up and their summer tour which would be happening next summer. It all sounded so surreal and exciting, not only for me, but for them as well.

"Hey Louis, why'd you run off on me before? Is everything alright?" Harry asked quietly so only Louis could hear. His eyebrows were furrowed, he looked genuinely concerned.

"Uh, I think it's time for me to take Cassie home.." Louis said standing up, trying to avoid the question. Harry immediately sprang from his seat and didn't let Louis reach the door. He sat him down and you could already see the tears brought back into Louis' eyes. As Louis began the story of his mother and how she had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, you could feel the room go silent and the uncomfortableness appear in Louis speech. I'm guessing all the boys knew Jay (Louis' mom) and probably knew her well. It was very heartbreaking to see the look on their faces go so sad. Harry began crying right after it was announced. And the rest of the boys hid their faces, looking down at their feet. Since I was sitting between Louis and Harry, I tightly held Louis' hand in mine and wrapped an arm around Harry. Hopefully I was comforting them both. Trying to hold back my own tears, I felt Harry's head lean on my shoulder. After Louis was done explaining the whole story, each boy came up and gave him an individual hug. Harry being last. As I patiently waited on the couch nearby I could here the whispering of both boys,

"I'm so sorry Louis, I'm so sorry," I heard Harry whisper into Louis' ear. I could tell it was getting hard for him to talk.

"It's alright Harry," Louis replied softly.

"I'm here for you okay?"

"I know you are."

I couldn't help but get teary eyed while hearing this. Such a precious moment.

"Well I better take Cassie back home," Louis exclaimed whipping the last tear from his tanned cheek.

"I'm sorry, Im not usually like this.. All emotional.. I'm usually more fun." Louis said while he drove me back to my apartment.

"That's nothing to be sorry about," I said whipping the tear from his face. Once we reached my apartment, I thanked Louis for the ride.

"No thank you. Thank you for being such a great listener," he said looking straight into my eyes, I couldn't help but smirk a bit because what I felt just by looking into his eyes was something so extraordinary that it couldn't be summed up in words. Louis then leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. I closed my eyes feeling his lips pressed against my cheek. Once he pulled away I could feel the butterflies come once again. I stepped out of the car and wove goodbye, and just when I was about to close the door I heard Louis british accent that I loved so much.

"Hey Cassie!" I heard him say.

"You forgot your phone!"

"Oh thanks," I said sadly, I was hoping he was going to ask me to call him or hangout with him, or something! After Louis drove away, I walked inside of the apartment. What time was it? I looked at my phone, 3:55 am. I scrolled through my contacts so I could call my mom. I had no keys to the apartment door. As I was scrolling to 'M', I saw a contact that didn't look too familiar. Curious, I scrolled back up to the letter 'L' to find 'Lou Tommo' as a contact name

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