Chapter 6: The Reason Why

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POV: Cassie

"What's wrong?" Louis said, noticing the surprised look on my face. I look at the boy more carefully hoping that my eyes were playing tricks on me, but that wasn't the case.

"No-nothing, we should go," I said making sure to hide my face from the boy walking our way.

"Please tell me whats wrong?" Louis said grabbing both of my hands and swinging them back and fourth.

"Hey Cassandra!" I hear the familiar voice say from behind Louis. I quickly pull my hands away from Louis' and turned my attention to the boy.

"Cameron, what are you doing here?" I say with a pretend smile on my face. I was trying to be polite, but honestly I just wanted to tell him to go back to Houston.

"I had to come, I miss you so much Cas," Cameron said coming up to me giving me a simple kiss on the cheek and a passionate hug. I tried to forget about it, but I wish I could just whip the slobber that was left on my cheek,

"Wait, I'm playing catch up. How do you two know each other?" Louis said taking a step away from me.

"Oh you see, Cameron is my ex boyfriend from Houston." I say stepping closer to Louis and farther from Cameron.

"But we only broke up because we couldn't handle a long distance relationship," Cameron added in, almost as if he was trying to prove a point. "And you are?" He asked gesturing to Louis.

"Oh this is Louis. He's a.. a close friend of mine." I stated. I couldn't find the right words to say, we weren't officially dating, but we definitely weren't just friends. But the look on Louis' face made it sound like an insult. Like we were just friends. "Well more than friends.." I said grabbing Louis hand and feeling his smooth hands fitting perfectly within mine.

"Wh-what? No no no, your still mine Cassie. I love you." he said coming closer and putting his hand firmly on my waist. Pulling me towards him. Cameron had always been touchy. He always had his hand on my waist, he never held my hand like a gentlemen. And I never liked that about him, it made me feel like a trophy, his possession. My heart took over my body and without thinking I removed his hand from my waist strongly and looked at him with a disgusting face. I had no good reason to be angry at him. He had followed his heart and flew all the way out here just to see me, but honestly, I just wish he was some horrible guy so I could tell him to get lost.

"Cameron!" I said confidently as I threw his hand away from my side.

"No, no you cannot do this," he said sternly, gritting his teeth. I could feel the grip on Louis' hand tighten as he realized what had just happened. "C'mon Cas, I know you want me," Cameron exclaimed boldly grabbing my hand and giving it a wet kiss. The feeling of butterflies I got when Louis had kissed me had just fluttered away. Everything about that kiss was more disgusting than the fact that I hadn't showered since I got here.

"Leave her alone!" I heard Louis yell, letting go of my hand and pushing Cameron away from me. I wasn't about to let a fight go down about me. Quickly but surely, I ran right between the both of them and broke them apart. Tearing Louis' hands off of Cameron's shirt.

"We better go.." I whispered to Louis as he grabbed my hand more powerfully than I had ever felt. We walked fast for awhile until we were far enough away.

"Im sorry.." I said playing with Louis' hands. I loved the way his fingers would curl in sequence as I played with his palm. "Don't worry about him, I can stick up for myself. We won't have to deal with him again."

"Alright," Louis said, "just promise me you won't see him again?"

"Promise." I said swiftly wrapping my hands around his neck. He grabbed my waist (this being the right time) and pulled me close. I felt the warmth of his breath on my face and the minty flavor hit me. I couldn't resist looking at his soft pink lips. We both leaned in and the sparks flew between us. Suddenly I felt my phone starting to buzz, ignoring it, I kept kissing Louis. But it buzzed again and again. Louis pulled away first, "aren't you gunna get that?" he asked me. I reach into my jean shorts pocket and take out my phone. 4 messages from my best friend Claire. The first one was from awhile ago,

'Hey Cassie, when you get this you should call me! Got some news to share.'

I'm assuming the news was about Cameron, but then I received another one about 15 minutes ago.

'This is really urgent Tori! Please call me! Or I will just text it to you!'

And then just now I got 2 messages, both very long ad detailed. As tears were brought to the corners of my eyes, I finally had a good reason to hate Cameron. And hate him with a passion.

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