Chapter 25: The Horrible Truth

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POV: Cassie

We said our goodbyes to the lovely Jay and followed Beth towards an enclosed room that had plenty of chairs and couches to sit on.

"Where are we going?" Daisy asked skipping down the hallway behind me, grabbing my hand.

"Oh we're going to talk," I said back at her trying to force a smile. I wish she wouldn't be so cheerful, I don't want to be the one to ruin her mood.

The white walls finally stopped when we reached a light blue room. It was lit by 3 beautiful large windows. We all took a seat and wondering faces were scattered throughout the crowd. I had a wondering face too. I was wondering what their reactions were going to be.

"So girls," I started looking at Beth. "We've got some bad news.." my voice trailed off. Lottie's bright blue eyes looked even brighter from the suns rays. "Um," I took a piece of my long blonde hair and put it behind my ears. I took a deep breath and proceeded on. "Well, its about your mother. There's really no easy way to say this... But she's getting worse."

"What do you mean by worse?" Fizzy asked with a shunned look.

"Her Alzheimer's is much more strong than others, and she will loose her long term memory quite quickly. More quickly than others.." Fizzy looked to the ground. I think, by her expression she knew what was going on.

"What does that mean?" Phoebe asked.

"Well," Beth began. This is where I needed her, she could support me with her facts. "That means that everything that happened to your mommy in the past will be forgotten."

"But we happened in the past," Lottie said clearing her throat. I could tell some tears were bunching up in the corners of her eyes.

"Thats what I was going to say next... For right now she does remember you as her children, but later.. She will begin to slowly forget who you are. Im so sorry girls," I muttered. I could now see the tears that blurred my vision. Lottie brought her knees to her chest and clutched her face in her hands. Fizzy wrapped her arms around her and gave her a gentle hug, comforting her as best as she could. I think the twins were a bit stunned and a bit confused as of what was going on. But I think it eventually settled in because they began whimpering and balling and they couldn't even move. I got up and brought them all into a group hug. Hugging each and everyone of them as tightly as I could never wanting to let go. As of right now, i call them family, even if Louis and I are fighting. Beth answered all their questions and concerns and after they finally understood everything, we got back into our limo. Both of the twins were on either side of me relying on my comforting actions. But I couldn't help but notice how both Fizzy and Lottie looked out the window, not saying one word, and not even crying. They just watched as the world passed before them.

Weeks passed by and I got the journal back from Louis. That same night I called him and we talked for hours. He explained to me how the article was totally wrong. I believed him immediately, but Harry did grab the phone backing Lou up saying how he put words into his mouth. I thought about telling Louis about his mother, but something was holding me back. I wasn't sure if it was the guilt I felt after seeing the girls all sad and upset, or just because I didn't want to tell him over the phone. I knew it was getting late where he was so I said goodnight and let him go to bed. Right after the phone call ended I pulled out the journal.

October 7, 2011

My dearest Louis,

Things have erupted here in London and it hasn't been easy. Your mothers illness has taken such a great toll on the girls. I haven't even seen Fizzy or Lottie since they stay in their rooms all day and refuse to open the door. Phoebe and Daisy can't even be normal 7 year olds because they are crying all the time.. It just hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows. I hope you can get vacation time during Christmas break. The girls really need you right now. More than ever actually. I think your the only one who could bring the light back into their eyes. Please Louis, I miss you too.

I love you, and I'll be seeing you.


Your Cassandra.

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