1: Square Up!

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Y/N let out a tired sigh.

She had been touring with Blackpink for almost 3 months now, and it was exhausting. Tour life was demanding enough as it was, but it could be even worse.

Try having your ex as one of the main performers on tour, and maybe, just maybe, you'd understand how tough Y/N had it.

Y/N was sure she could hear her headache coming in, as piercing eyes landed on her in the practice room. Of course, she would've heard.

It was no secret to Lisa Jennie and Jisoo, that things had been... tense, to say the least, between their Australian bandmate and Y/N.

Everyone in their close circle on tour, but not too many people as to not put them in trouble if YG headquarters found out, knew what had happened.
Y/N couldn't say she was proud of how things had gone down. Not one bit.

And it still hurt, but so far it seemed like she had no choice but to accept Chaeyoung's behavior towards her now.

It was of course frustrating that what Y/N knew to be a big misunderstanding had snowballed into a full-on hatred from Chaeyoung's side, but well, what could she do besides wait?

"I wasn't aware this was a napping room."Chaeyoung's ice-cold voice resonated in the empty practice room the crew had rented in the city.

Whatever city they were in, anyway, Y/N seemed to be unable to recall. Was it London?

As days went by on tour it seemed impossible to keep track.

All the band members knew, Y/N thought to herself, and yet, they had still managed to leave her and Chaeyoung alone in the practice room.

Great, Y/N thought to herself, thanks a lot guys.

Y/N decided to ignore Chaeyoung, looking straight into her brown eyes from across the room instead of replying.

She couldn't quite decipher how she felt about the girl.
The last months had estranged Rosé completely from Y/N, or at least she had done all she could to do so.

And yet Y/N couldn't be indifferent. Not when things were so stupid and wrong.

This couldn't be their permanent state. ...Could it?

Chaeyoung's lips parted slightly under Y/N's stare, and her eyes pupils grew a shade darker if that was possible. However as soon as it happened it was gone, and she turned her head away from Y/N with a huff.

Y/N kept her eyes on her exposed neck, unable to tear her eyes away.

This was so dumb. Just a few months ago they were sneaking out during Rosé's breaks to hook-up lovingly in broom closets, and now...this?

Y/N couldn't bear it anymore, she decided to break the silence.

"Do you even need me around anymore?"She asked.

Rosé turned from her sitting spot on the wooden floor to look at Y/N.

It was obvious the question could be interpreted in more ways than one, and that seemed to take Chaeyoung by surprise, her expression filled with something Y/N couldn't identify clearly.

The silence had gotten so loud Y/N almost checked her watch to verify how much time had passed since she had opened her mouth.

"Do you need anything?"Y/N clarified, tired of Rosé's muteness. "Water? Protein bars? A towel?" She listed, trying to sound as polite and professional as possible.

She was, after all, one of their staff members, she couldn't in her right mind talk crudely to a Blackpink member in one of the common areas, where any curious hear could eavesdrop on them.

Save your tears (Rosé x G!P Reader )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя