18: The first time

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The first time Jisoo came across Jennie Kim, she found her frankly annoying.

Mid-length black hair, that the girl swept around way too much as she danced to Kim Jisoo's liking.

A twinkle of ambition and hidden vulnerability Jisoo thought was unbearable.

They occasionally saw each other in the first months of Jisoo's integration into YG entertainment. She knew she was joining way after some other girls, there would be tensions.

Then, after being put together in a little trainee group along with 5 other girls, Jisoo felt the tension rise between her and Jennie.

They would bicker incessantly, never hang out alone, until one day two of their bandmates, an Australian girl who could belt any note, and a Thai girl who was the best dancer they'd seen so far at YG, trapped them into a friend date. An "intervention" they had called it.

They had picked the place and time already, had made the reservation for Jennie and Jisoo, and got them a free day. It was for the sake of the atmosphere, and thus their future careers.

Jennie and Jisoo couldn't say no.

And soon enough they ended up having to share a jacuzzi in a popular hot spring, butt naked.

A few weeks later they were together in a bathroom in YG's building, Jisoo comforted Jennie for the first time, they also had sex for the first time.

The first time Jisoo saw Jennie Kim, really saw her, she fell in love instantly.

She couldn't have said if the realization had been instant, or if as years went by, as they got to see their dreams come to fruition along with the annoying younger bandmates they had come to love like sisters, Jisoo had admitted it to herself.

How many times had she wondered what would've happened if she had made a move on Jennie before debuting? Or before Lisa got to Jennie first?

How many times had she looked at her best friend, and despaired in knowing she didn't want her to be just her best friend?

How many crushes had Jennie Kim told Jisoo about, not knowing about the internal struggle of her bandmate?

In all things, Jisoo knew to be patient, so she waited.

Waited until they'd debut, careful to practice hard enough, to be careful and serious enough not to get kicked off the YG program for breaking the dating rules.

Careful to make sure her bandmates stayed careful as well, but to no avail, she would find out.

She'd waited, had figured Jennie was into girls by the way she teased Lisa.

That the time Jisoo and she had slept together wasn't just a weird experiment for Jennie.

She'd waited, understanding Lisa's affections were unrequited, just like Jisoo's would have been if she had ever spoken up.

Seeing the woman she longed for with her best friend made Jisoo Kim realize two more things:

Jennie didn't love Lisa.

She couldn't jeopardize everything they had worked for by making things complicated.

Jisoo found Jennie and Lisa's arrangement to be just fine, as long as they didn't love each other because they could keep things quiet and simple.

Lisa's hurt was hard to see for Jisoo because she loved her friend and felt for her, she truly did, but it reassured her to know none of them had ulterior motives of unrealistic monogamous happiness.

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