23: Bloodline

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Seulgi had never been the quietest kid.

Not that she liked to cause trouble on purpose, but her free spirit sometimes got her into a bit of trouble, even in kindergarten.


The kid sitting next to her in the large classroom widened her eyes at Seulgi's whisper.

She looked around them, sitting closer to their shared wooden table, well aware most of the other kids were busy listening to their teacher, Mrs.Hong, a tall brunette with a high ponytail who loved the kids very much and taught them well.

"Hi."She whispered back to Seulgi, eyeing her up and down.

From her white sneakers to the uniform all of the kids at the school shared, to the short bangs that were sticking to Seulgi's small forehead because of the summer heat.

"You're that new kid, right?"Seulgi asked again, whispering as quietly as she could, hiding a corner of her mouth with her hand, and Y/N nodded.

It wasn't very hard to figure out for anyone. She had joined the class just three months before summer break, but this was the first time the other girl and herself ever shared more than a curious look.

"How come your parents never pick you up?"Seulgi asked again curiously, unaware of being a little bit blunt.

The other kid widened her eyes and raised her brows, scowling in surprise.

"How would you know?"She shot back.

The brunette only shrugged, and got a pen out of her pencil case just as Y/N did, after hearing their teacher call for a short quiz.

"I'm pretty smart."That was all Seulgi said as an explanation, very confidently for 5 years old.

Y/N could only stare quietly at the newly met little girl but never answered, pretending to shift all of her attention to the quiz.

By a twist of fate, or a stroke of luck, Y/N and Seulgi wouldn't be able to say, they saw each other the very same day they had first exchanged more than a word, in the evening.

"Seulgi, these are very good and old friends of ours, you have nothing to be worried about." Seulgi's mother had soothed her as she put her in a little black dress and put a white bow on her head after brushing her daughter's hair lovingly.

"They also have a kid just your age," her father had added with a pat on Seulgi's head and asking Seulgi's older brother and herself to behave as best as they could.

As their parents hugged and greeted each other, Seulgi and Y/N only bowed politely, surprising the adults along with Seulgi's elder brother, who whispered a short "weirdo" to his little sister.

Even during dinner, as their parents seemed to realize after talking to their children, that Y/N had ended up in Seulgi's class, surprising everyone in the best way, the two kids stayed without uttering a word to each other.

After dinner, and seeing Y/N and her parents out, Seulgi was taken aside by her father, as her mother put her elder brother to bed.

"You know Seulgi, Y/N's parents... they're very busy people," Seulgi's mother had begun, and the little girl had wondered if Y/N had told on her to her parents if it had reached her mother's ears.
She felt her own ears reddening with shame at her past behavior, putting her head down.

But her mother only put her hand on her shoulder soothingly.

"Maybe you could be friends." Her mother had suggested, adding that she would never do more than suggest something to her daughter, because ultimately, her choices needed to be her own.

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