Chapter 7*

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Scott, Allison, Lydia, Stiles and I are all already at the ice rink. I look at the time on my phone, waiting for Dave to show up. "Where is he?" Lydia asks me, standing next to me and handing me a pair of skates. "He'll be here..." I say nervously "I'll send him another text" I say, typing it out and sending it to Dave immediately.

Lydia walks over to the bleachers and sits herself down next to Stiles, to put on her skates. My phone rings and I open the text, my heart sinking in my stomach when I read it. He isn't coming anymore... He just ditched me, without giving me any reason.

I sit myself down next to Lydia and Stiles, dropping the skates next to me on the ground. "So? Where is he?" Lydia asks, looking over at me. I sigh and shrug my shoulders. "He ditched me." I say, making Lydia's head snap my way. 

"What? Did he say why?" she asks. I look over to see Stiles looking at me nervously. "No... he just said he didn't want to go out with me... or even speak with me again..." I say, pouting my lips.

"Well screw him... Let's have fun without him." She says, making me smile sadly at her and tie my skates. "Could it be any colder in here?" I then ask, regretting the choice of me only wearing a thin sweater. "Here." Stiles says, quickly grabbing a second jacket from out of his bag.

I smile at it and want to accept it, but Lydia scoffs and stops me. "...She is wearing blue. Orange and blue? Not a good combination." She says, shaking her head at Stiles. "But it's the colors of the Mets..." Stiles exclaims, clearly offended. "I don't care how it looks... I'm cold." I say, accepting the jacket and muttering a thank you at Stiles, who smiles in return.

"Okay, um, maybe orange and blue is not the best, right, you know... Um, sometimes, there's other things you wouldn't think would be a good combination, end up turning out to be, like, a perfect combination. You know? Like, two people together... who nobody ever thought would be together ever..." I hear Stiles say, he was mostly looking my way when saying this.

Before I can respond on his thinking process, Lydia speaks up. "No, I can see that." She says, making Stiles' head jerk her way. "You can?" he asks, clearly shocked. "Yeah. They're cute together." She says, pointing to Scott and Allison. I look over to them and nod. "Cute? I'd say they're adorable." I say, giggling and putting my head on my hand.

I hear a sigh and muttering coming from Stiles. "Oh, yeah... them..." Stiles then says, rolling his eyes. "Cute." Lydia says again, making me nod again. "Cute. Adorable." Stiles says, rolling his eyes. He looks my way and sighs again. What was his problem...

Lydia then walks over to the ice and begins skating. She had been a pro since she was a child, me not so much. Honestly, I couldn't ice skate to save my life... I only said yes to coming here, because I thought I would have someone to teach me. I look back at Scott and Allison, she is teaching Scott how to skate. Freaking adorable.

"You coming?" Stiles asks me, already standing on the ice. "I don't think so..." I say, shrugging. "Why not? You're already here... might as well skate and enjoy it." He says, giving me a small smile. "I can't skate..." I say, making his eyes widen. I look over at Lydia, who is doing pirouettes. "I only came because I knew I had a date... You know, someone who could teach me and prevent me from falling on my butt." I say, laughing at the thought.

"Well... I can help with that!" Stiles says, now smiling from ear to ear. "I don't know... I don't want to take the fun out of it for you..." I say, smiling sheepishly. "Are you kidding me? It would be an honor to teach you!" he says, holding out his hand for me to grab. "Fine" I say walking over, seeing him grin. "But if I fall, I'm dragging you to the ground with me!" I say, slightly joking but mostly not.

Stiles Stilinski x Reader. (Rewrite of the series: season 2)Where stories live. Discover now