Chapter 2: Bustin'

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Chapter 2

"Niggas got the drive all we missin' is the come up." - Kehlani


Sitting across the table from Ronnie was so nerve racking. There honestly was no reason for it to be, I was just paranoid that something was going to happen, because things always seemed to happen when he was around, but we were all here, in this house, unharmed. So far.

"So Ronnie you thinkin' about getting your GED? Your mama told me about you dropping out of school after your dad passed to help out. I'm sure you wanted to graduate with Kayo and everyone else. " Mama started.

I seemed to be the only one staring at him intently, I was so interested in anything he had to say. I wanted to know what the king pin of the barrio had to say about a legal future. But everyone else at table had ate on looking at their plates and only momentarily looking towards Ronnie to show they were listening, but I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

"Nah. That school stuff really isn't for me. Besides I ain't really got time right now between work and everything." He stated looking over at my mom.

It was so odd to hear him call what he did work. Odd to hear him say he didn't have time as if he had an actual schedule, did he think what he was doing was real work Or did he just say it because mami and papi hadn't known what he really was doing out on the streets?

"Oh I understand, it would have just been nice to see all you with some type of diploma."

"Yea I know, I do want one Mrs.Torres don't get me wrong, it just ain't in me to get it really." He went on to explain.

"Hey that drive is in all of you. You'll figure that out later." Papi added in.

Everyone nodded their heads before silenced was regained and everyone focused on the food in front of them. I could only take small bites as I kept my attention on Ronnie. I would stare at him for period of times, but look away every so often to make sure no one saw me, especially Ronnie. I was petrified of him and I ain't trynna give him no reason to come upside my head.

While I was chewing I felt someone looking at me. When I looked up Ronnie was starring at me. Even when I had caught him he hadnt looked away, he was just starring at me wit' out a problem. I immediately looked back down then my mama began to speak again.

"So Ronnie have you and Lena ever met before?"

I damn near wanted to go over and choke her and tell her to shut up. I wanted no type of attention from Ronnie on me. I damn near ain't want him knowing my name, the little he knew about me the better.

"Nah actually, this my first time. I use to see her around the corner though everyday when I use to drive past but we haven't ever spoken to one and other." He stated starring directly at me.

I got so embarrassed when he mentioned seeing me on the corner. I couldn't believe he had actually seen me. I had never seen him actually look over at me, maybe one of his boys had actually seen me and everyday told him about the creepy little Latina girl at the corner.

"Oh! That's funny since you and Kayo hang out, I thought you and Lena might know one and other."

"Nope he never brought her around. I guess she was scared of me." He joked.

The table laughed at his little joke, and I even let out a nervous chuckle too. I thought that's what you're suppose to do when Ronnie Menunos made a joke, because he had that power. I could just Invision it, him and some guys hanging out and he would make a joke and everyone would laugh except one. He would just easily pull out his gloc and set off two rounds in the guy, because that's how Ronnie Menunos is.

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