Chapter 13: Aspirations

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Chapter 13

"Daily conversation consist of hustle , grinded from the bottom sick of struggle." -Kevin Gates
-3 Days Later-

"You're joking right?" Marisol asked in true disbelief while I walked around looking for one of my shoes.

"I'm serious Mari."

"Lena, oh my goodness! You go head then! " she cheered all extra loud. "To clarify you talkin' about the Ronnie Menuenos right?"

I laughed and nodded. I finally told Marisol about me and Ronnie and she has just been the most shocked. For the first twenty minutes after I told her it's been nothing but her thinking I was lying so she's been interrogating me.

"Yes Mari, the Ronnie." I laughed.

It's funny to believe I would have acted the same way let this have been her telling me that she is dating Ronnie. Before we met I was scared as shit of him or more so of what I heard about him, but now I just see him as Ronnie my man, no extra drug lord shit, no murder stuff none of that, and he doesn't even want me around any of that stuff, at least that's what he told me yesterday after gettin' on me about the whole getting pulled over thing. He's still pressed about it and can't believe I'd do something like it, but he keeps saying how much he appreciates it.

"Lord girl I really can not believe this! Have you sampled it? He stick just the head in?" She whispered making me mug her.

"You so nasty man, and no I haven't. We literally just made this a thing, I'm not trying to jump in his pants and I don't need him to think he's getting it that easily." I honestly told her.

I still feel iffy about giving Ronnie any type of play, but the way he said he wanted to do me has been ringing through my head since I left his house that day and it's got a girl a little eager to see what he's all about.

"Oh I'm sure he don't think that, yo ole difficult ass probably gave him a hard time just to talk to you like that." She smirked just before I found the shoe I was looking for and then sat on the bed to put both of them on.

"No, because his ass pretty much forced me to speak to him."

"Awww, Lee he really wants you!"

"Well he's got me." I smiled before standing up along with Mari.

We both walked downstairs to the living room to see Papi and Kayo watching TV together and sipping on a beer.

"Hey Papi, hey Kay." I smiled at them. Kayo and Papi looked me over before they started looking confused.

"Where you goin'? To hoop or somethin'?" Kay spoke up first. I shook my head.

"No, Ronnie's down at Roe's Gym so I thought I'd Pop up and do a little exercise with him." I shrugged .

Ronnie had called me earlier just to see what I was up to and make sure I was alright, before letting me know he was going down to the gym to box. I figured I'd come to check him out and see what he can teach me since I've wanted to get into boxing ever since I was little; Papi was always cool with the idea, but mama didn't want her little girl to get hurt.

"Oh that's sweet. You be careful down there and if anyone asks to sponsor you, call me first." Papi joked. He always swore I'd get big if I were to do it, and he's still keeping the dream alive.

I laughed a little and nodded. "I gotchu Papi. I'll be back later." I told the two before Mari and I headed out the front door and began walking down the street.

"Lena you should have stuck with boxing, you were a boss." Marisol spoke up after walking for a while.

"Yea, but you know mama, her babies can't be hurt."

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