Chapter 4: Graduation Day

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                                                                                      Chapter 4

                                "It's amazing girl and all I can say is; I'm so proud of you" -Drake


We drove from Marisol's house to one of Ronnie's little squad members place and then back to our house. The whole ride I was sitting in the back with a little sour face because I honestly didn't appreciate the way he had spoke to me. He may run Kayo now, but he doesn't run me, so him speaking to me like that was not going to become a frequent thing between us.

"Iight bruh, I'll hit you up later." Kayo spoke, dapping up Ronnie in the front seat.

I tried to slide out of the car, but Ronnie had pointed at me causing me to stop dead in my tracks.

"Ah, ah. You stay right in here. I gotta talk to you right quick. I'll catch you later though Kay." Ronnie instructed.

Kayo looked at the two of us funny before leaving out and heading up to the house. I know he really didn't just leave me in this car with this delinquent. I was already shaken up a bit about being spoken to him let alone being alone with him.

"Don't just sit back there lookin' scary, bring yo ass up here." He stated patting the passenger seat.

I frowned at him, but went ahead and did what he said and climbed over the console in to the passenger seat. I stared straight forward scared to look at him although he was looking dead at the side of my face. My palms were sweating and I was shaking just sitting here. He needs to speak up so I can leave, I didn't want anything to do with him and I prayed no one would walk past the car and see and get the wrong idea.

"Aye listen, I ain't mean to speak to you like that back at Mari's house, but I wasn't feelin' the fact that you was all chillin' up in that house with that nigga, let alone that he was all over you. I wanted to spray his brains all across that room so I kinda took my anger out on you. I apologize for that shit." He explained.

I nodded still looking out the window. That made sense. I was one of his new workers little sisters, and I'm sure it seemed suspicious that I was hanging in a house with one of his enemies. I'm sure in his mind It looked like a setup or something of that sort, but I need him to know that, that was not the case at all.

"Okay. I understand, but just know I don't mess with anyone from FVM. He was just there and started to push up on me, after I told him no. It wasn't a setup or anything." I assured.

I could see him nodding from the side of my eye and was relieved that he had believed me.

"Oh I know. You ain't crazy, and I see you're scared of me so I know you ain't got no type of balls to do any mess like that." He laughed.

I turned towards him with a scowl. He must really feel himself.

"For the record I am not scared of you. I'm scared of the people who are after you and maybe even your lifestyle, but you I am not scared of." I lied.

He smirked, nodding his head, before grabbing my face and pulling it close to his. I was looking him deep in his eyes and from that I had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach that I couldn't shake.

"You ain't scared of me mami?" He questioned.

I shook my head unable to find words in this moment. He dipped down and kissed my nose, then cheek, then the absolute corner of my mouth.

"Good. Ion't want you to be." He mumbled.

He let my face go and smirked at me. I stared at him for a long while trying to figure him out. What in the hell was that about? I felt like I was going to throw up from this sensation in my stomach and I just really wanted go get out of his presence so I could clearly think.

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