Chapter 20: Just Wait On It

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Chapter 20

"I swear we gone make it out of here some day." -Unknown

"Lee come help me with dishes, honey!" Mama yelled from the kitchen. I got up from playing Domino's with papi and Kayo, and headed into the kitchen.

Since I've been home it's been good. I just feel better, and safer here, and don't have to worry so damn much like I do at Ronnie's house. I know I'm supposed to go back to his house tonight, but I just want to stay here with everybody, especially Kayo who's been super nice to me since I walked in. Although he been chill and everything he told me he needs to talk to me later, and as serious as he was looking it cain't be good.

"Come rinse, and dry these for me baby." She instructed while I came up on the side of her. I grabbed a drying towel, and started to rinse off the dishes she'd already washed.

"So you know what I'm going to ask Lena." She smirked. I looked up at her and chuckled. "What are you going to ask mama?"

"You guys had sex yet?"

I looked at her shocked, and shook my head. "Mama!"

"What? It's a simple question." She laughed. I shook my head and continued rinsing and drying.

"It's not a simple question. That's gross for me to tell you that."

"No it's not. You came out of me, I should know what's going in you!"

At this point I started laughing so hard that I was crying. Mama is crazy, but not This crazy. I've never had any type of speech from either of my parents about keeping my virginity or nothin' that gotta do with sex really. They always tell both Kayo and I that they want grand kids just don't have them too young.

"Mama! That don't even make sense, but to answer your question we have had sex." I admitted. She looked over at me with wide eyes, and a smirk before hitting my arm. "Lena!"

"Mama! You asked!"

"I didn't think you'd actually answer!" We both laughed and got back to cleaning the dishes until she spoke up again. "So when did all of this happen?"

I smiled just thinking back to the night, and then shrugged. "Yesterday."

"Yesterday? Lena, what the hell?"


She opened her mouth about to say some stuff again, but closed it, and then opened it again before shrugging. "I don't know, I just-- I just didn't think you'd have already had it yet, that's all I guess. So was Ronnie your first?"

I shook my head no. Ronnie is definitely not my first. My first was with some old friend of mine Landon. I always knew that the first time was gone be horrible that's why I let him take my virginity, because honestly it ain't mean that much to me, and I didn't want someone that I really liked to see me cryin' and shit; that's not a good look. So I gave my virginity to Landon, and the next week he had to move. I wasn't hurt or anything about him moving because I didn't have any feelings towards him so it was cool.

"No, second." I admitted. She glanced over at me and then nodded.

"Okay good, your body count is low. That's a relief." She sighed. "But did you have sex with him because you love him or just because?"

I didn't want to tell her that I barely knew the sex was coming so I couldn't make up my mind about anything, and I didn't want to let her know that I came to the conclusion that I was in love once he gave me the dick so I opted on the ladder.

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