The Meetup

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"It wasn't suppose to be like this. You weren't suppose to kiss me on my forehead, and tell me how you loved me from the moon, and back, because you only told me that when you'd be gone for long, but we was going in this together. You weren't suppose to leave behind a little boy, who only stood three foot, two. That wasn't us. I couldn't see it, I told myself I'd never be a single mother, and you promised me that I'd never have to, but you left me here standing in this church crying, and spilling my fears. But little three foot, two stood there like a soldier holding mommy's hand, even when your coffin got put into the dirt he just waved you off, and seemed like it didn't hurt. I know why though, because daddy told him to stick his chest out, and never cry over spilled milk, but you, you weren't just spilled milk, you were the champagne in our life. So imma pour some for you because that's what we do for little boy blue. "



I watched him, and his friends ride past every day on the corner of Lime, and Gevo street just cruising low, in they car, and passing blunts around. I never knew why I always waited those extra three minutes to see them, but I did, everyday, but today, today was different they didn't just ride past no they rode past, and pulled into my drive way.

"What the hell?" I mumbled to myself before running across the street before another car could come.

I watched from three houses down, as they all hopped out of the car and headed for my front door. The one that always drove, Ronnie, knocked on the door before stepping back, and waiting with the rest of his crew. Soon enough my door opened, and they all stepped in. Thats when I took the chance to finally leave from the spot I was standing at, and make a run for my house, but instead of going through the front I went through the back door, which was already opened airing out the super hot kitchen that my mama was cooking in.

"Hey baby, how was school?" She questioned staring at me as she through some corn into a pot.

My mom was the definition of a Mexican beauty. She was tall, and slender with wide hips that my poppa loved to hold onto while she cooked meals, and she had perfectly done makeup, even if she was just going to be in the house. She also had perfect hair that flowed down her back, but was pinned up when she was in the kitchen to keep from sweating half to death.

"Hey mama, It was good for it be the last day. Can't wait to get out of this stupid uniform though." I commented before ripping my red tie off of my neck.

She only laughed at me, before going back to her cooking. She knew how much I hated school, and I was more than excited to officially be done with it. Senior year was crappy, and wearing these ugly uniforms were no better.

"Wait, mama, what are those guys doing here?" I questioned as I peaked past my mother into the living room where I saw Ronnie, and his crew sitting on our couch laughing up a storm with my big brother Kayo.

"Your brother invited them over, you know Christy's son Ronnie, and Beatris twins, Tony, and Donnie."

"Yea I know of them." I stated before walking up the stairs into my room.

I closed the door, and began stripping right away. Once fully out of the stupid school uniform I grabbed a black tank top, and some Capri's. I slipped the outfit on, before putting my hair up into a sleek pony tail to keep cool in this deadly heat that was going around this evening. Once that was done I put on some dark lip stick and some flip flops before heading back down the steps to the dining room where my dad was sitting with my uncle Hernando playing domino's at the table.

"Hey poppa." I exclaimed before leaning over his shoulder, and kissing his cheek.

He turned around in his chair, and gave me a tight hug before letting me go so I could do the same to my uncle.

"Hey baby girl, you excited that school over?" My dad questioned looking at the domino in his hand.

"Yes, pops it was a horrible four years." I sighed only making the two men chuckle at me before resuming their game. I turned to walk into the living room only to be reminded that the thugs were sitting in there, and once that was established I made a quick B line back to the kitchen, and took a seat on the empty counter across from my mother.

"Hey Lena, why don't you go give the boys some lemonade, its hot as hell in this house. They have got to be thirsty." My mom commented as she pulled out the pitcher of lemonade from the fridge.

"Mom, come on I don't want to go in there, those guys creep me out." I cringed as I looked back into the living room where everyone was watching Ronnie talk. I soon found my self being mesmerized by his big, yummy, pink lips.

"Oh shut up Lena, and go take them this lemonade. There is nothing wrong with those boys." She commented before swatting me off the counter, and handing me a tray of lemonade filled cups.

I huffed loudly before stomping my way to the living room where once I stepped in all of the boys turned to look at me, putting me on edge.

"Um, do you guys want some lemonade?" I questioned looking around the room.

They all nodded before getting up, and grabbing one of the cups. As I was walking out someone called me back.

"Wait, can I get some ice?"

I turned to see that it was Ronnie who had said it, he was shaking his glass a bit, and I began shaking badly. Never ever has he talked to me, hell I was scared if he ever did. Ronnie was a big deal drug dealer around here, and he wasn't some one that took things lightly So I've always been afraid of saying something to him, and then him blowing a cap in my ass.

"Yea sure." I mumbled before grabbing his glass, and taking it to the kitchen where

I could here Tony talking.

"Yo, who's that, your girl?"

"Ew, naw man that's my little sister Lena."

"Little? That girl is anything but if you know what I mean." Donnie commented making him, Tony, and Ronnie all laugh.

I found my face heating up at what they were saying so I tried to stick my head in the freezer to cool off before grabbing out a few cubes of ice, and dropping them in Ronnie's cup.

"Hey tell the boys dinner will be ready in five minutes." My mother told me before I nodded and walked back over to Ronnie.

He took the cup out my hand, and his finger brushed mine making me jerk away quickly.

"Thanks." He commented looking me over a few times.

"Um, mama said dinner will be ready in five."

"Actually its ready now, come on guys get to the table, and Lena, and Ronnie can y'all go and grab the rest of the stuff out the kitchen." My mom commented as she walked past to the dining room with two large bowls in her hands.

I froze at both me a Ronnie's name. We both looked at each other before he cocked his head towards the kitchen, and began walking. I followed slowly behind, scared of being alone with him even for a split second.

"So what should I grab?" He questioned looking me over head to toe once again, but this time biting his lip after.

God damn this boy.

"Um, you just grab the corn on the cob, and I'll grab the other stuff." I commented before reaching for everything.

Before I could pick the bowl's up, I felt Ronnie behind me, and watched as his muscular arms reached around me, and grabbed the pot of corn. I stopped breathing in the moment before he began walking out the kitchen.

What was this boy doing to me?

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