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Tomorrow. At this point you both had till tomorrow. All of your stuff was already packed and ready to go along with bf/n's stuff as well. You and Dan never did say a word to eachother the whole day. You both were afraid of crying. Not only would this mean no seeing Dan, but it also means you have to end the relationship with him as well. Neither of you wanted that at all. Yet here the hell you were.

The plane would leave at 10am Irish time. So that was kind of early for you and bf/n to leave. Since everything was packed, there wouldnt be too big of a rush to bolt out the door, which was a good thing for you and Daniel in the end.

At lunch neither of you said a word. He cooked something for the two of you and sat it down next to you. You both ate side by side as well, your legs slightly touching while you both ate. He made eye contact with you at one point but you quickly looked away. Eventually your phone ringing broke the silence. It was bf/n of course. It was the first time you had spoke that day, and Dan wasnt ready to hear your voice.


"Hi y/n. So are you sure everything is packed for tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Im sure. 10am right?"


You both sat in silence for a while.

"Listen uhh...i know having to leave Dan will be hard on you, but dont let it drag you in the ground. I want to keeo the same best friend i left with when we came back. Okay?"

"If it was that easy then I wouldnt have this issue."

"I know...i just dont know what to really say to make you feel better."

"Then dont try to."

"*sigh* Alright then. Ill be by to pick you up at about 9:15 to 9:30. Somewhere in between there."


Bf/n hung up shortly after and you looked over to Dan. He hadnt touched anymore of his food since you started talking. You just stared at him while he kept his head down.

"I knew i shouldnt have agreed to be with you. I knew you eventually would have to go back home and all yet I didnt anticipate how much it would hurt."

"...dont you have to stream today?"

"I told everyone yesterday i wouldnt today or tomorrow. They understood."

That was another thing, the Among Us video with him went really well. Cloe left the part in where he slipped up and said girlfriend. Only cause you and Dan agreed it would be okay since the fans had a good reaction to you on the stream.

The fans knew what was going on. They knew you were leaving tomorrow. They were kind of upset themselves really. They warmed up to you quick, then all of the sudden you have to leave. This was the worst yet best trip youve ever been on for more than enough reasons.

"Stream anyways."

"No. I wanna spend time with you."

"Did I ask? I am a fan right now. And fans get stoked for their idols streams. You shouldnt keep them unoccupied today just for me. Hell ill be in the stream with you if you really want me to."

He sighed in defeat and got his phone out. He was about to tweet something and you of course would get the notification for it. You always do.

Tweet from RTGame: Change in plans everyone. Im going to stream today anyways upon request of y/n herself so ill be live in about an hour <3

"...thank you."

"Be in the stream with me. My fans get to see you one last time before you leave and whatnot."

"There is still tomorrow."

"Tomorrow ill stream later. After you...leave."

You walked over to him and silently hugged him. Trying your hardest to keep in his scent for all eternity. It calmed you faster than anything else ever could.

"Lets go upstairs. Ill help you get setup for your stream."

He just nodded and you let go of him, feeling cold where he no longer was. You hopped your way upstairs as if nothing was wrong about tomorrow. You didnt want anything to be wrong about tomorrow. You wanted to not let it get in the way of your fun.

"Come on your majesty! For we shall not keep the subjects waiting of entertainment!"

He did his little laugh while shaking his head. You noticed he did that around you quite often. It was cute.

When you made it up there, you sat down in the chair and waited for him to be ready. He stood there thinking for a while.

"What is it?"

"What game should i play?"

"Minecraft? Just make it a really chill stream."

"I guess thats the best idea for now."


He looked at you weirdly since you had a big grin on your face. It was a dumb yet good idea.

"Take twitch chat on a date."

Yes. I am throwing that in the plot. The date with him was too good not to. You cant tell me im wrong.

Random question: If you could be anything in the world, what would you be? For me I would be a singer or actor/actress.


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