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You and Dan were quiet for a few minutes. Surprisingly it wasn't awkward like you think it would be. It was just a peaceful silence.

"I would assume your friend is wondering where you are. Why haven't you went back to your apartment yet?"

"I...dont know. I know they're slightly worried cause I'm in Ireland alone and don't know where I am entirely. But that's why phones exist I guess."

You both continued to talk for about 45 minutes and it then started to get kinda late for you to be in a country that you've never been in before. You didn't want to stop talking to Daniel, but at the same time you knew you had to leave eventually. The sooner the better.

"This day has been defiantly amazing. Even if I got harassed in some sort of way by an Irish guy from a sweets shop. Thanks again for that by the way."

"Its really no problem. You should probably go back to your apartment since the sun is about to set."

You nodded in agreement and said your goodbyes to eachother. You started walking in a direction that seems like the right way till you realize you don't know how to get back from the park. You got out your phone to put in the address in GPS and realized your phone was dead. You knew you didn't charge it but you didn't expect to be gone this long. You couldn't call bf/n either. You went back the other way to try to catch up with Dan to ask for directions or whatnot.


He turned around and smiled a little when he saw you.

"Yeah? Wait let me guess, you don't know the way back to your apartment?"

You awkwardly nodded and looked down in embarrassment. You watched as Dan pulled out his phone and opened GPS.

"Whats the address of it. I can take you there. Or at least till you get to a point where you know the way."

You told him the building address and started walking there. It was about a 20 minute walk from the park.

"I never got your name by the way."

"Y/n. Why do I keep forgetting to tell people my name?"

He quietly whispered your name a few times as if it would help him remember.

"Its not like it's important though. After tonight I won't see you again except for on twitch. I'm only here for a month anyways."

"But you never know. Maybe something will happen where we cross paths and then it will be awkward cause you will know my name already and I would have forgotten yours."

You smiled while you rolled your eyes. He wasn't too different to the streaming him. He was still funny and caring for the most part. It made him seem like a better person. Alot of people are different on camera compared to off whether it's YouTube or twitch.

"So what made you come to ireland?"

"I wanted to go to another country before I turned 25. So since my 25th is coming up in a week, my friend bf/n and I 'talked' about where to go."

"Did they just chose for you?"

"Its more like we both chose together without choosing. The story is kinda embarrassing but they called me over to their house and when I got there you started to stream cooking Mama babysitting so instead of helping them decide, I was too focused on your stream. We both decided to save Japan for some other time since it was very different to what we're used to. I wouldn't stop watching the stream for even 3 minutes so they ordered plane tickets for here anyways."

"So I'm the reason youre here? And im the reason we're chatting right now? Wow i must be so important."

He had his infamous joking tone when he said that with a cheesy grin on his face.

"Yes. More important than the queen of England."

You jokingly bowed to him with a smile on your face. He started laughing at this joke you guys have started.

Before you knew it, you were at a place you remembered. Only 5 minutes away from the apartment. It was also starting to get really dark out.

"I know where i am now. Sorry for wasting your time Dan.."

"First of all, you didnt waste my time. I quite enjoyed talking to you. Second of all since its getting late, im gonna walk you to your door just in case so nothing happens."

"Youre supposed to be on break and youre wasting it on me."

"Well then if im wasting it, then im wasting it wisely."

Another one of his cheesy smiles. It felt like you couldn't get enough of him.

You walked in silence for most of the way to the apartment. When you got there you felt your heart speed up as you saw bf/n crying while watching out the window. They kept calling someone who wouldnt pick up. Most likely you cause your phone was dead. When they saw you out the 2nd story window, they threw their phone down and you heard the door open as they sprinted down the flight of stairs.

"Y/N! I thought you died or Ashton killed you or kidnapped you or sonething like that. Why the hell didnt you call or anything?! And why is Dan here?"

"Long story short, Ashton was a pushy desperate bitch who kept trying to get me to date him. Dan happened to be there and got him to go away. Then we talked for a while and realized it was getting late but then when i went to call you my phone died and i didnt know how to get back so i needed Dans help to get me back here. Im sorry i worried you so much."

They looked like they were on the verge of a panic attack. If not then they did right before you got there.

"Ill let you say bye to your favorite psycho human baby cooker. Im going back upstairs."

Daniel looked at you confused for a few moments.

"Human baby cooker?"

"Remember, when we bought the tickets you were playing babysitting mama."

He nodded and you both stood there awkwardly for a few moments. Its like you didnt want to leave. He was first to break the silence.

"So umm...i wanna keep talking but it is nearly nightfall so maybe could i have your number?"

You looked at him slightly suprised as he got out his phone. So he was serious?

"Umm. Sure. Just dont message me for at least 30 minutes so i can power my phone back on."

You told him your number and you watched him save the contact as 'Spier Girl(Y/N)' You smiled a little without realizing it.

"You better not be an axe murder in secret. Internet icons always have something weird to them."

He gave a fake shocked expression and put a hand over his heart.

"How could you figure me out so easily?! I thought i was well hidden."

"Because you kill alot of innocent people in video games and used a baby as a tennis racket hours ago. Poor baby guilbert."

He chuckled and put his phone back in his pocket and you both started to walk away from eachother slowly.

"Ill message you later tonight y/n. See ya."

"Bye axe murder!"

You made your way up the stairs to your apartment. But you didnt realize that bf/n had hidden to listen into the conversation.

"He seems pretty okay. Well see his true colors eventually im sure. For all we know he actually IS an axe murder."

Im actually having alot of fun writing this so if you want, you can give me plot ideas or just tell me what you think so far!


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