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Yall i just got RT's tweet about George. Its really sad what happened and i hope Daniel's doing alright about it all since we all know he loved that beautiful cat so much❤😢

You guys didnt really go to any actual attractions. You just went to places that Dan thought were moderately nice or fun.

First you went to a small restaurant for lunch. Dan insisted on paying multiple. times but in the end you all just agreed to split the bill into thirds. That is till bf/n flipped out over someone.

"Oh my god...Yazmine?!"

You looked at them confused till they tightly hugged a girl about your age. She had blonde hair and brown eyes. She was slightly taller than you.

"Bf/n! Its been so long! What are you doing in Ireland?"

"I could ask you the same thing couldnt I?"

They both laughed and you and Daniel just made awkward eye contact. Its like you both were 4th wheelers to a date or something.

"Im here just for the month with one of my close friends. What about you?"

"As far as i know, im staying here for good. Seth broke up with me a few months ago so i wanted to start fresh in a new place."

You cleared your throat a little as Dan watched it unfold awkwardly.

"Oh! Yazmine this is my close friend y/n. Y/n this is Yazmine, she was my best friend all through middle school and most of highschool till i moved away."

You nodded awkwardly. Thats what the title should just be of this chapter. Awkward. But of course the author is lazy and just labels the chapters as numbers.

"Oh yeah. And this is our...friend? Would you call us friends Dan?"

"Sure. Defiantly."

"This is our new friend Daniel. He also streams on twitch and uploads the highlights on youtube. He was actually showing us some of the places he really likes here."

Yazmine looked over at Daniel with slightly flirty eyes. I wont tell you she was one of THOSE people. But shes one of those people.

"Hi Daniel. So whats your channel on youtube? I wanna check you out in my free time."

"Oh its umm..RTGame. Then my twitch is RTGameCrowd."

"You must make alot of money if you have over 2 million. Does it ever get boring."

"No not really. I have the fans to always talk to me so-"

The watress came in and gave you the food. He also gave you a peice of pie that you didnt order.

"Umm...i didnt order this desert."

"The man over in that booth got it for you."

She kindly smiled and left. You looked over to the man and he was staring at you with a curious look on his face. You took the pie and walked over to his table before you set the pie onto it and pushed it over to him gently.

"Im sorry to dissapoint you. But i umm...i-"

"Already have a boyfriend."

The voice was Daniels. He was behind you as he spoke.

"Heh. Thats completely understandable lass. Hope he treats ya well."

You thanked him kindly and you and Dan went back over to your table. You looked at him when you both were seated.

"What was that about?"

"Well i didnt want you to deal with another desperate bitch like yesterday, and you were clearly uncomfortable with rejecting him so i thought i should help. Sorry if it made you uncomfortable or anything."

"No. It was just unexpected is all."

You both went quiet. It was just then you realized that bf/n had texted you saying they were gonna spend some time with Yazmine for the rest of the day.

"Well, bf/n is now out of the feild trip now so now its just us."

"Can you drive?"

"Yeah i can. Where to after we finish eating?"

"Ill just put it into GPS when we leave. If thats okay with you?"

You nodded and then proceeded to eat your food. It was actually better than you expected. You decided eating in silence would be awkward so while you were on the subject of dating..

"So. Hows your relationship life?"

"Oh. Umm...not the greatest. Im still trying to get used to being single. Its...certainly different but ill get used to it."

You felt bad. Why did you think it was a good idea to ask him about that. Now he was probably sad or upset.

"What about you?"

"Well obviously im not looking to date anyone from here. That sounds mean...nothing against the irish but i just think if im gonna only be here a month then i dont want to get attached to anyone like that. I cant stand long distance either so it doesnt make it any better."

"So did you reject the barista because you were afraid of attachment?"

"No...i just genuinely wasnt interested. I did think he was attractive and sweet, but he wasnt my type."

"Then what is your type exactly?"

"Nerds. Absolute dorks that not every girl would want to take. People who, if they could, do nothing but play video games for the rest of their life but also has priorities and responsibility. For fuck sake he needs to be able to make me laugh or else it will get very boring very quickly. Even if hes just being his normal self i want him to be interesting or entertaining to me."

He payed attention to every word you said. Its almost as if he wanted to remember what you said about the whole matter.

"Nice. Ill keep that in mind if you ever decide to come back to Ireland and visit me."

He smiled that cheesy ass smile once more. You lightly chuckled with a playful eyeroll.

"Why would i come back for just one person?"

"Because im totally famous and everyone wants me."

You gave him a 'oh really' look and you both continued to eat the food, occasionally talking to relieve the awkward silence.

Yes i know i said i just got the tweet. Im writing this like 20 minutes after it was tweeted and wont upload this for a couple of days so i can space the chapters out.


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