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You and bf/n landed in Dublin quicker than you thought so it wasnt that bad of a plane ride. You eventually had to work your way out of the airport and put in the apartment address on your phone and called an uber over to there.

"Welp. First few minutes in ireland are pretty average. I have nothing to base it off of so i cant say for sure quite yet. We still got that ever so wonderful spire of dublin to see."

You had honestly forgotten about the spire despite it being so heavily memed on RT's youtube videos and streams. Which is kinda sad for your case while in dublin. You were either asleep or busy with work when he streamed if you went by the current time zone. But back in (your home country) the timezones were at least 5 hours off. (sorry if it isnt accurate. Im being a bad writer and basing it off of where i live in the US)

"So what do you wanna do when you get to the appartment y/n?"

"Possibly relax and then order takeout. We have Irish dollars and coins now so we just need to match up the numbers with what we see. Thats basically how money works."

"Wait...is math the same here too so we can add up prices?"

You looked at your best friend with a face of disappointment and confusion.

"Yes...bf/n its the same."

They seemed genuinely serious about the question. But thats just how they were sometimes. It was kinda funny so you dont ever complain much.

You made it to the place and instantly collapsed onto the floor with a lomg dramatic sigh.

"Smell that irish air bf/n. You shall never love it as much as me or i shall shove you in a pot and mash you to bits with a potato masher."

"That is...oddly specific."

"Blame RT."

"Oh i will. If i ever see him in my entire life i will personally slap him for tainting you to be so...whats the word?"

"Insane? Inhumane? Psychotic? The list goes on."

They rolled their eyes and got out their phone and charger to plug it in. Shortly after i did the same.

"So what do you wanna do you Daniel obsessed heathen."

"I want food. Then we can call it a night. The plane ride made me kinda tired in some sort of way despite us moving forward in timezones. Even though now that i look at the clock...its only 7:30pm."

"What do you wanna do tomorrow."

You let out a loud sigh of contentment. You then dreamily looked at the ceiling.

"Anything, everything. Nothing, yet everything. The spier first though for the sake of our cult leader RT."

"Cult of what exactly?"

"Obviously a cult of rumbles and tumbles. Like fuckin' gymnastics or something."

They rolled their eyes and went to look online for food places. You were too tired to be picky though. Especially since you can cook. Not bake. Just cook.

"Cant we just get McDonald's or something? Just for tonight."

They sat and thought for a bit to think about it and eventually shrugged. We actually left to go get it since it wasn't too far of a walk at all. There was only one about 1.5 km from the appartment.

Time slip to as soon as you get back cause im lazy

We started eating the food very lazily since we were both tired. I then got a notification from Twitter on my phone.

RTGame: I won't be streaming tomorrow or possibly for the next week due to my schedule needing a break for a short while. I'll still be active on social media through this time.

You let out a groan while you sat your phone down and stuffed your face with fries.

"What is it?"

"Dan said he's taking a break for a whole week. That's gonna make this first week here go by slow."

"Stop stressing. I'm sure it won't feel like that long. Plus you could do with a break from him anyways. And Kevin too while youre at it."

You looked at them with dagger eyes. If looks could in fact kill, bf/n would easily be dead by now.

"N e v e r. E V E R. Say that again."

They chuckle and you noticed you finished your food so you went to throw the trash, other than yourself, away. Tomorrow you would go to ironically see the spier. then maybe some historic sights. Of course you had a whole month, but it's still nice to get a head start.

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