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Time skip to 8 days later

You double checked everything you have on your list of stuff to pack. You then call bf/n to let them know you were ready to leave tomorrow.

"Im all packed. Everything except my phone charger is done. when do we leave tomorrow again?"

"We need to leave here at about 10am and be on the plane by 11am. I'm ready too so we can just leave after you pick me up since you're the one with a car. Who else is going with us to keep your car?"

"Ill most likely just have your mom do it so she can have her slightly emotional goodbye."

They chuckled a bit and then you said bye for now.

"Welp...see you tomorrow Ireland." I would like to point out if this was a movie it would be the part where its time skipped to your drive to the airport and country roads would be playing.

You ordered a quick takeout meal and cleaned around the place in the process. It needed to be clean and organized so that when you came back it wouldnt be a stress induced hassel with procrastination.

When you got done eating the food, you saw that it was 10pm so you decided to start laying down in bed. You then got a message from bf/n.

-Im sure youre gonna dream about meeting your precious Dan or Kevin. It may be a small place and world but the chances are still slim

You responded.

-Leave me and my dreams be!!!

You turned off your phone and went to bed. Turns out you actually didnt dream of anything. Just darkness for half a second then your alarm went off. It was still a nice sleep though.

"Okay. Passport, in my pocket. ID, in my wallet. Wallet...wheres my wallet?"

You spent about 5 minutes or so looking for your wallet. When you found it you put it in your jacket pocket to make sure you didnt loose it again. You then mare sure everything else was in line with how it should be. After a few moments you got a phonecall from bf/n.

"This is it. We shall abandon our home for a whole month. Are you ready?"

"No. Yet at the same time I can't feckin wait."

"This will be fun im sure. We just gotta be open minded."

"Yeah i guess so. Ill head over there to pick you up, then your mom, and then breakfast before we get on the plane. 45 mimutes earlier should be enough time right?"


"Ok! Im on the wayyyyyyyyy"

I hung up as I was dragging out the word way and got my suitcases and put them in my car. I then made my way over to bf/n after looking at my house one last time for a month.

We were on the way to pick up their mom while screaming some of our favorite songs...from anime of course. Then we went to pick up their mom from her house. She was already getting emotional. Not as bad as I thought she would though.

We all go breakfast at (Resturaunt) and ate it on the way to the airport. This was gonna be an interesting month.

Time Skip to the Plane

We sat in our seats after doing a bit of walking around. I got the window seat while bf/n got the middle seat. a random girl in about her mid 30s sat on the outside. Once the plane was moving, I got out my headphones and started listening to music while bf/n took a nap on my shoulder. it was about a 7 hour flight so most likely I would fall asleep eventually. my phone might also die too which is why I brought my sketchbook for something to do just in case.

"About 7 hours. Then I'll be at my new home for a month."

I closed my eyes and rested my head back while I tapped my hand on my leg to the beat of the song. This was gonna be a long plane ride. But hopefully also worth it to see the very memed spier.

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