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You woke up to bf/n saying that it was 10am. You decided to start getting ready for your wonderful grand adventure of going to the spier. It would defiantly be a day to remember.

"Country roadsssss take me homeeeee to the pla-"


You decided to whisper it instead.

"to the placeeee i belongggg."

You then breathed in very deeply.


You felt yourself get hit with a pillow and see bf/n holding one while having an annoyed look on their face. You bursted out laughing while getting your shoes on.

"Come onnnn im just trying to get into the spirit of it all. Lighten up will ya?"

"I would if i didnt hear that song from you because of RT all the time."

You called an uber and told the nice driver that you wanted to go to the spier. She talked about it on the way there.

"The spier aint much to make a fuss over. Its just a feckin oversized pole in the ground that they only light up during new star wars movies."

"Ive heard that many times before. But the experence seems pretty cool so in the end were just two tourists who wanna see the dissapointing amazement that is Dublin's spier."

Everyone was quiet for the rest of the way there and you eventually saw it. It was literally a pole in the ground. Yet it was the most interesting pole in the ground you had ever layed eyes on. Tall and thicc seemed like the right way to ironically describe it. There was alot of people who seemed to hang out around it.

 There was alot of people who seemed to hang out around it

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It was stupidly beautiful.

"Ya know what? Since this is your first time in ireland, free of charge for the fair."

"Oh, thank you!"

The driver went about her day and you admired the spier with a little bit of tears in your eyes. Bf/n looked over to you with a concerned look on their face.

"You good y/n?"

"Yeah yeah i just...cant believe im in the presence of dublin spire. I knew what it was. I knew what it looked like. Yet its still pretty cool to look at and observe. Its very different from other countries"

You hadnt noticed that there was someone standing next to you. Not too close though. Bf/n looked like they couldnt believe who they were seeing.

"Its kinda boring in my personal opinion. Its just there. As an irishmen i feel like the country could have possibly thought of something better."

You instantly recognized that voice from twitch. You turned you head to see RTGame himself standing there staring at the spier with you and bf/n. You had to rub your eyes and do a double take. Yep. You were looking at Daniel.

"Okay...i dont wanna be that fan but i cant believe that im standing next to you."

"Ahh so you watch me on twitch then?"

Bf/n decided to jump in and attempt to embarrass you alot. You almost forgot she was there.

"All i hear when i call this loser is you in the background on a laptop. Its either you live or her watching your youtube videos over and over because she has nothing better to do. Then i sing one simple song that has nothing to do with anything and the boom. She breaks out into country roads."

You tried to hide behind your light jacket that you were wearing. Dan was chuckling to himself.

"My channel is basically a cult at this point."

You whispered what you said earlier to yourself.

"Cult of rumbling and tumbling..."

You saw Dan playfully cringe.

"I thought i could escape that name but how wrong i was."

"With a fanbase like yours, nothing shall get passed us. We are like an army cult read to hound people with umm...wii remotes. Those things hurt to get hit with if you do it hard enough."

You awkwardly chuckled at the end of the sentence. Meanwhile Dan was properly laughing instead. It made you feel giddy that you made him laugh like that.

"So umm...if you arent in a rush can i have a quick picture?"

"Of course!"

You got your phone out and opened your camera and handed it to bf/n. He put an arm around you and you both smiled for the picture. When it was taken, you checked the picture to make sure it wasnt blurry. It was perfectly fine so you gave a quick hug and said goodbye to Dan. Now today was really a day to remember for a lifetime.

"Oh and by the way. I recommend the coffee shop over there on the corner. They have really good sweets and coffee."

I nodded with a small smile on my face as the adrenaline in my veins were now fading away and i felt the social anxiety hit me heavily. So did the butterflies.

"I just met RT. I cant breathe."

"Youre just now reacting? You even got a picture. At the beginning of his break too."

Ireland is definitely an experience to have. You hands down, wouldnt trade today for anything.

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