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He got done within 3 and a half more hours. When he got back downstairs, he saw you and collapsed onto the couch with a satisfied sigh. His head was in your lap while you were on your phone.

"Have fun?"

"Of course i did but im also now slightly tired and bored."

He sat up and turned to face you. The two of you sat there quietly for a while. Daniel was staring at you with a small smile on his face.

"What is it Paniel?"

"Paniel. Thats a new one. But its nothing. Youre just so pretty."

He then slightly sighed again kinda quietly this time. You felt your face heat up quite a bit and you looked away. He smiled with a light chuckle.

"So what do you wanna do now?"

He sat there and thought for a moment. Eventually he just shook his head and started to cuddle you. When he got comfortable he just closed his eyes.

"Just stay here for a little bit."

As soon as he said that, your phone started to ring. It was bf/n. Most likely wondering where you were. When you sat up to get it, Daniel groaned in annoyance.


"Where are you?! Did you get kidnapped or anything?"

"I should be asking you that since you left last night. Im at Dan's right now. I spent the night. Why did something happen?"

"No, i was just worried since we are in fact in a different country and i didnt know if you got kidnapped or anything. Didnt Dan have to stream today?'

"Yeah. I just did my own thing while he streamed for like 6 and a half hours. I made him a sandwich and now his fan base thinks were dating. We are but thats not the point."

"Well at least you arent dead or anything. Ill see you later today?"

"Yeah. Have fun doing whatever you do and dont burn the apartment down please thanks love you bye bye."





"B Y E."




You both hung up and you looked at a confused Daniel while laughing.

"What the hell just happened."

"Dont worry about that. Thats how we show our affection for eachother. Its a non abusive friendship i swear."

"I see how its non abusive but its aggressive as hell. Anyways come back. I need attention."

"Youre like a dog sometimes Dan, i swear."

"How dare you say such things to your boyfriend."

"That isnt a bad thing. I like dogs quite a bit." (If youre a cat lover than sorry not sorry but your dumb darling~ sorry to tell you)

You laughed and walked back over to the couch and Dan instantly latched onto you like a baby koala bear. Which was better than a dog in most situations.

"Nevermind. More like a baby koala bear."

"Ill accept that. Koalas are cute and loveable."

You laughed and admired your boyfriend. He seemed so calm and relaxed. You both just sat in silence for a while and enjoyed the company of each other. After a while, you were the first one to speak up.

"Im bored now. What do you wanna do?"

"Do you have a youtube channel?"

"Nope. Why?"

"I was gonna say we could film a collab or something."

"We still could but it would just be where you dont promote me or put my channel link in the description."

"Its up to you if you want to. After todays stream, that wont help the rumors. I dont mind them too much but if it bothers you then thats okay."

"I think it would be quite funny to see people question the fact of i was just on your stream and brought you food and whatnot. Then i turn around and im in videos too. I love a good game of mindgames. But not really cause im too nice for that."

You both went back up to his office and you got ready to just play among us together since either of you couldnt think of anything else you could both play together. So that you wouldnt see eachothers screens, you were to stay in his room and you guys were on a discord call.

"Okay so how often do you play among us y/n?"

"When im bored out my mind. Which is actually pretty often now that i think about it."


You were the imposter first along with some random player. Lucky you, you were a good lier so Daniel genuinely thought you were innocent.

Literally everyone else- where?

Rambley Tambley- in cams

(Your among us name)- i was in navigation doing tasks

Red- You wernt doing tasks. You had to have vented or something cause i was on cams and didnt see you

Rumbley Tumbley-If you were just in cams and the body was in cams then i think you did it, red

"Boom! Red is done for!"

After about 5 minutes many dead bodies, there were two people left. Just one more kill to win is all it took. Daniel wasnt dead yet so you decided to target him.

"Dan come to admin real quick?"

"Me and green are in nav right now. Why?"

"I dont know. I just have a feeling its green. Has he been doing tasks?"

"I honestly havent been paying attention. You wouldnt lie to me would you y/n?"

"If it was life or death then i might."

He made his way over to Admin where you were waiting for him. You just so happened to have walked away from the card swipe when the task bar went up, so everything fell into place at that moment.

"Yay! We have a buddy system now. Also you trust too easy sometimes."

As soon as you said that, you killed him and a victory screen was in front of you.

"Y/n! How could you betray me like this?! My own girlfriend too. Oh-sorry ill have Cloe edit that out."

"Its okay. Anyways...I said life or Death Daniel, technically this was life or death."

You both played one more round and then ended the video. After you plugged your phone up to charge, you walked back into Dan's office.

"That was really fun."

"Well im glad you enjoyed it. Ill have to like...triple check that Cloe edits that one part out or things wont go to well."

You walked over to him behind his chair and let your arms rest over his chest and shoulders while your head rested on top of his.

"I should probably go home in a few moments. Bf/n does need a baby sitter after all."

"They have a kid?"

"No but they are really irresponsible so its basically the same thing."

You both laughed and you then walked out and went to the living room again. Dan followed close behind and the two of you were like the way you were earlier. All you knew was this man was absolutley amazing.

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