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Hells yeah! Chapter 20 now? And over 435 reads! Thank you for wasting your time on this :) (Also sorry that the plot is becoming pretty shite)

"Just do your own thing I guess? I don't really know why I invited You here really since we've been with each other all day. Are you hungry or anything? I can make you something. Also sorry the place isn't the cleanest it could be."

"Daniel you ramble too much sometimes. I am a tad bit hungry now that you mention it. Also it cleaner than my place is. The appartment is only clean cause it is only ours for...3 more weeks."

You let that slip your mind. You had to leave in 3 weeks now. And then you and Dan would have to break up or whatnot since you both don't really like long distance relationships all that much. You honestly didn't want to leave. than again that could easily be just the tourist in you talking. But you didn't wanna leave Dan more than leave Ireland.

"What will happen when the 3 weeks is up? What will the 2 of us do?"

He then started to think. He couldn't come up with anything. He eventually brought a smile to his face for a little while. When he looked up it went away.

"We will figure it out when we get there. For now.."

He walked over to you and grabbed both of your hands and started to slowly move back and forth. Almost slow dancing but not quite.

"I wanna live in the moment with you and rub it in your face that I'm better at just dance than you."

"Oh hush. It was just the songs weren't my forte. I would have won if I picked better songs that I could actually do."

"Hmm...still sounds like a sore loser to me y/n."

"You would know. You aren't the greatest at Swordplay."

He playfully rolled his eyes and let go of your hands to go into the kitchen.

"So what do you want to eat? I have quite a bit of stuff actually."

You looked around in cabinets and the fridge/freezer and after about 3 minutes of looking, you found (favorite food) and your eyes lit up like a match.

"That. I need that. I need to consume it. I need to shove it in my face orfus and enjoy the shit out of that."

After each sentence Dan looked more and more scared by your word choices. You couldn't really blame him in all honesty. Disregarding that, he got it out to make it and told you to just go sit in the living room while you waited. Once it was done he brought it in on a white plate and he didn't look too confident about it. Of course you knew he wasn't really the best cook or anything but you knew it couldn't have been that bad.

You took it from him and instantly started to dig into it. It wasn't bad at all. bf/n could easily do worse. Although, that is setting the bar really low since they can't cook to save their life.

"This is actually good. And yet you always say you can't cook."

"Well I make that quite often so you kinda get used to it after and while I guess."

He went off to do his own thing while you finished eating. Once you were done you sat the plate in the sink and went to go look for Daniel. You found him in his office reorganizing stuff that already seemed tidy.

"OCD much?"

"Not really. It just creates less stress and Hassel when I stream and whatnot."

You nodded and walked over to his desk with two monitors. He had collectables on a self behind you as well.


"Im aware. And quite proud I should add."

You chuckled to yourself softly and turned around to face him. You both stood there making direct eye contact for a nice 30 seconds before awkwardly looking away first. Your eyes drifted to the floor as Dan was walking closer to you. He stood silently in front of you and then began to tightly hug you.

"I don't wanna think about what happens in 3 weeks. Because I know that won't be the happiest thing in the world, so I wanna only focus on these moments. I don't want you to leave of course but your lease only last for that month."

"Daniel...dont worry about that yet. It's 3 weeks till it happens so we don't have to think about it yet. Just don't talk about it till it's like 4 or 5 days till I leave."

You both stayed like that for a while. There was a nice comforting silence to it in some way. At this point it was slightly darker outside.

"Maybe I should head back home? It's getting late-ish and you have to stream tomorrow."

Dan checked the clock on his monitor and seen that it read 7:14pm. At first, you worried about what bf/n would say or think till you remembered they were with Yazmine. You were just hoping they wouldn't do anything stupid while drunk; if they even decide to get drunk.

"I would rather you stay here if that's alright with you? I don't want you to go back by yourself. Even in an Uber or taxi."

"Ill just be a burden. Really it isn't that much trouble."

"You can never be too careful. I can show you the guest bedroom."

You finally gave in and you went upstairs with him and he opened a door to a rather plain, yet modern looking room. It had a queen sized bed in the far corner, a nightstand to the left of it, a dresser to match the nightstand, and a small rug in the middle of the room.

"One of my old friends helped me with decorating so that's why it's quite different from the rest of my place."

"I like it. It looks really cozy actually."

"Oh, well in that case it was 100% me who decorated it and whatnot."

You smiled at his remark and sat your phone on the nightstand. Daniel left the room for a few seconds and came back with a charger that fits your phone. You then questioned what you would do about clothes to sleep in. As if Dan read your mind, he spoke up.

"For something to sleep in, I'll let you choose anything you want of my clothes since this whole thing was unexpected."

Well at least you aren't drunk like Dan was. You didn't know what you wanted to choose really. You were already wearing shorts so that was checked off the list. Now you just had to choose between a T-shirt or hoodie. You went with (whichever one) and went to quickly change. When you put it on, as if it was possible, it smelled like him even more than the house itself did. When you walked back out, you heard Dan call for you from his office. When you walked in he was holding two controllers for PS4.

"Gotta favorite video game by any chance?"

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