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Sorry i didnt update for a while. I was going to a while ago but i ended up getting my first ever migrane during that time and went to bed the second i got home from school. Then after that all ended i got super bad writers block. Ill get back into the swing of things i promise!

You guys played video games for a few hours before deciding to call it a night and going to bed. Especailly since Dan had to stream tomorrow anyways so he needed to be well rested for that.

You slid into the queen sized bed slowly and softly. It was slightly cold due to nobody having slept in it yet. You plugged your phone in for the night and then turned the light off. Everything was nice and peaceful till...


There was a loud sound of thunder right outside your window that made you jump rather bad. You tried to relax again just for another one to hit just as loud. After a few more you officially gave up on your fears and went to Dan's bedroom.

When you walked in, he was on his phone doing his own thing. When he saw you, he put his phone down and looked over to you.

"Cant sleep cause of the storm either?"

You shook your head and he sat up while patting the spot next to him. You hesitantly walked over then sat down.

"So what do you wanna do in the mean time then? It's up to you really since you're the guest."

You shrugged your shoulders and payed back in the bed. Daniel joined you and you both just layed there like that for a while. You slightly jumped every time there was a rumble tumble of thunder. Eventually Daniel noticed and scooted over to you and began to cuddle you. You turned your face towards him in attempt to hide your possibly blushing face.

"I didn't think you would be afraid of thunder out of anyone. You can be pretty loud yourself."

"I... I dont know what youre talking about."

"Im sure you dont y/n."

He let go of you and got under the covers of his bed again and you sat up, feeling awkward.

"Well are you just gonna sit there and watch me sleep?"

You crawled up next to him and hesitantly layed your head on his chest. He had one arm around you and the other laying on his stomach. It was quiet till more thunder kept going. Most times you would see the lightning along with it and prepare yourself for the noise but it would still slightly jump scare you. Not as much with Daniel there of course.

Eventually his breathing was slow, telling you he was asleep. You tried nuzzling into him more if that was possible. Eventually you drifted off to sleep, ignoring the noise that you heard outside.

The next morning, you calmly woke up to Daniel softly petting your hair. You glanced up at him with a slightly tired smile on your face.

"Its still raining."

"Its Ireland. You get used to it."

You softly chuckled and closed your eyes again. Before you could fall back asleep, Dan tapped you on the back to wake you up again.

"Do you want breakfast?"

"I want sleep."

"I do too, but i also have stuff to do and a stream to get ready for."

You almost forgot about that. But you let him up with that thought in mind. He sat up and left to do his own thing. You just continued to sit there doing nothing but taking in your surroundings. Eventually Dan came back in dressed in slightly more proper clothes.

"Alright. Ill go live in about and hour and a half or so. In the meantime i get to just cuddle with you and not worry about anything else."

"Ill leave when you go live so i dont bother you."

"No. Stay anyways. I dont mind at all. Plus, Despite me streaming for a while, it will make me feel less alone."

You nodded and went into the living room to wait for a while. After about 15 to 20 minutes, you got a notification.

RTGame is going live!
Extra long stream to make up for yesterday.

Despite you being in the same house as him, you decided to watch the stream anyways. After about 3 or 4 minutes he started talking.

"Hello everyone. Can you guys here me okay?"

He just played minecraft for about 6 hours, taking a break on the 3 hour mark for his own mental health and sanity. He came downstairs for a snack and chatted with you as well.

"So what have you been doing for 3 hours?"

"Watching your stream. I didnt wanna do anything around the house that you wouldnt know about in case you wernt okay with it."

"I promise, you can do whatever you want. My PS4 is hooked up in here for now till i reorganize my office. Or you can literally destroy my kitchen. I dont mind at all."

You giggled while nodding your head. At least he was comfortable around you, and you around him.

"Anyways. Go back to your office and see what chat is up to. Ill bring you something to eat. What do you want?"

"Eh nothing too big. Just a sandwich maybe. And i dont care whats on it. Im not too picky on certain foods."

You nodded and instantly hopped up off the couch and went straight to the kitchen. You brought your phone with you to see what Daniel says to the chat.

"'Who was the girl you responded to on your twitter around a week back?' That was just a close friend of mine that i made recently. Dont go starting your rumors or anything. Shes currently locked in my basement making me a sandwich. By that i mean she volunteered to make me one so i could talk to you guys more."

Chat blew up with more questions. Most of them were asking if you were dating. Of course you are but you wernt gonna announce it to the public for a while if at all.

"Guys- no we arent dating. We all know i couldnt ever get a girl if i tried with all my might."

You laughed at what he said and went to bring up his food. You also decided to bring him some water with it since hes been talking for a while. When you walked in, you decided to go along with the little secret.

"Hi everyone. Can confirm, we arent dating. Im just visiting from the non potato land. Also Dan i brought water too cause im such a thoughtful person who deserves praise."

He chuckled and kindly took the food and water.

"Well thank you for bringing me water with it y/n, i praise you for being so thoughtful. Can you confirm you arent locked in my basement so they dont call the police on me please?"

"Hmm...i could but that would be a lie Daniel, i must'nt tell lies to chat."

We both laughed and you left the room to let him eat and get back to streaming. Of course the fandom didnt really believe that you guys were just friends. They are all way smarter than that.

This was kinda like a filler chapter but not really. Anyways, stay hydrated and please eat if you havent today! Also i hope you like the new cover, i spent like 30 minutes making it.


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